Glossary entry

German term or phrase:


English translation:

resale caused by, following, or on buyer’s default

Added to glossary by Julia Burgess
Jul 31, 2023 11:34
1 yr ago
47 viewers *
German term


German to English Law/Patents Business/Commerce (general) Framework agreement on the supply of goods
Term used in a contract (framework agreement on the supply of goods) between a German business and a UK business (so UK-EN, please). Langenscheidt says "self-help sale", but I'm not finding any support for that in English (and it sounds pretty odd to me). Context:

Es besteht eine Mindestabnahmepflicht des Käufers für die abgerufenen wöchentlichen Bestellungen:
a) Kommt der Käufer seiner Verpflichtung zur Abnahme innerhalb der vereinbarten Fristen und/oder in der vereinbarten Menge nicht nach, kann die Verkäuferin Schadensersatz verlangen.
b) Verlangt die Verkäuferin Schadensersatz, so kann sie die Schadensfeststellung insbesondere durch Selbsthilfeverkauf(/b> bewirken. ...

I've found the following in the HGB ( but I'm not convinced about the terminology.

HGB Section 373:
Commercial sale of goods
(1) Where the buyer defaults on accepting delivery of the goods, the seller may deposit the goods, at the risk and cost of the buyer, in a public warehouse or in some other secure manner.
(2) Furthermore, the seller is entitled, following a prior warning, to have the goods sold at public auction; if the goods have a stock-exchange or market price, the seller can, following a prior warning, also have the sale effected privately at the current price by a commercial broker officially authorised to effect such sales or by a person authorised to conduct public auctions. Where the goods are perishable and in cases of imminent danger, prior warning will not be required; the same applies if giving a warning is impracticable for other reasons.
(3) Any self-help sale takes place for the account of the delinquent buyer.
(4) The seller and the buyer may place bids at the public auction.
(5) In the event of a public auction, the seller is to inform the buyer, in advance, of the time and place of the auction; the seller is to notify the buyer, without undue delay, of the execution of any kind of sale. In the event of failure to do so, the seller will be obliged to provide compensation for damages. Such notifications may be dispensed with if they are impracticable.


Björn Vrooman Oct 8, 2023:
And thank you,... ...for your (seemingly inexhaustible) patience.

Hope you and Robin have a sunny Sunday--it's getting very depressing over here

Best wishes
Julia Burgess (asker) Aug 8, 2023:
Thanks again, Björn More helpful info. Please don't do more work on this on my account.
Björn Vrooman Aug 7, 2023:
Hello Julia Should Robin post an answer, I'll agree. I myself will need some time (as always).

I feel like I should add this interesting tidbit about the difference between (3) and (4) of the Sale of Goods Act here too:

That's essentially a reference to item (3) in your Q. Because "as the buyer's agent" is, in effect, the same as "auf Rechnung des säumigen Käufers."

You may also want to take a look at this chart:

They distinguish between
- Freihändiger Verkauf (resale by duly authorized agents)
- Selbsthilfeverkauf (resale by public auction)
- Notverkauf (emergency sale)

Julia Burgess (asker) Aug 6, 2023:
@Björn & @RobinB Would either/both of you like to submit your responses as answers? Although "mitigation (re)sale" as suggested by Adrian makes sense, I'm not finding good support for it outside the oil and gas industry. I'd like to close the question rather than leave it hanging if poss ;) "Emergency sale" (one of Adrian's other suggestions) may also have potential in some circumstances - or indeed "fire sale" in the right context.
Björn Vrooman Aug 2, 2023:
That's... ...certainly more succinct! Here's a translated case file that I found on the University of Texas website:
"The claimant asserts that the defendant’s rescission was illegal: after the buyer’s default to take delivery, he had by auction resold the merchandise and, converting it into French currency, thereby made a net profit of 35, 955. 27 FFrs."

I know it's not BrE, but maybe it helps.
RobinB Jul 31, 2023:
resale "following default by buyer", I think makes it clearer.
Björn Vrooman Jul 31, 2023:
Anytime. I'll move the last two links from the first post to the second, where they belong.

I was actually in the middle of something else (but I couldn't resist!), which is why it proved a bit difficult to put everything in the proper order.

I've already added something to my most recent post, i.e., the last bit of the relevant section: "Where the seller expressly reserves the right of re-sale in case the buyer should make default, and on the buyer making default re-sells the goods..."

That is, essentially, what they talk about in the translated version ("delinquent buyer") but sounds more...reasonable. With few exceptions, I don't particularly trust the translations.

What may be good to know is that I found a connection between the German and English terms by reading an excerpt from the book "Die Struktur des vertraglichen Schuldverhältnisses im anglo-amerikanischen Recht" written by M. Rheinstein. See page 214 (if Google lets you see that page, that is).

Best wishes
writeaway Jul 31, 2023:
fwiw/hth (in case your text is Austrian) Der Selbsthilfeverkauf
Der Selbsthilfeverkauf ist die Möglichkeit des Schuldners jenen Gegenstand, in Bezug auf den sich der Käufer in Annahmeverzug befindet, auf Rechnung des Gläubigers, dh der sich in Annahmeverzug befindlichen Person, zu verkaufen.03 Jul 2020
Julia Burgess (asker) Jul 31, 2023:
reselling/resale Your help is much appreciated, Björn :) I think I should simply be able to say "resell" and "resale" in my current example - certainly preferable to the literal translation! (Apologies for the strange use of bold in my question, BTW - tried to edit it, but can't.)
Björn Vrooman Jul 31, 2023:
Oh my Sorry, found it:

"Where the goods are of a perishable nature, or where the unpaid seller gives notice to the buyer of his intention to re-sell, and the buyer does not within a reasonable time pay or tender the price, the unpaid seller may re-sell the goods and recover from the original buyer damages for any loss occasioned by his breach of contract."

And (4) of course:
"Where the seller expressly reserves the right of re-sale in case the buyer should make default, and on the buyer making default re-sells the goods, the original contract of sale is rescinded but without prejudice to any claim the seller may have for damages."

Entitled "Rescission: and re-sale by seller."

I apologize; I was a bit too quick at the beginning.

Best wishes
Björn Vrooman Jul 31, 2023:
PS T&Cs:
"...notified the Customer that the Goods were ready for delivery the Customer has not accepted delivery of them, the Supplier may resell or otherwise dispose of part or all of the Goods and, after deducting reasonable storage and selling costs, account to the Customer for any excess..."

See also Section 4.7 here:

My issue is (as so often) that this has been codified in German but that's typically not the case in English (not to the same degree, at least).
Björn Vrooman Jul 31, 2023:
I'm sorry that I'm finding mostly AUS pages, but it's the Queen's English at least. Here's a UK one that might be relevant:
"The period between giving of the notice and the date specified in the notice as that on or after which the bailee proposes to exercise the power of sale shall be such as will afford the bailor a reasonable opportunity of taking delivery of the goods."

Björn Vrooman Jul 31, 2023:
Hello Julia Here's a (pretty funny) example:
"Die Weinberger GmbH hat beim Großhändler Hans Huhn 40.000 Eier bestellt. Huhn will die Eier nun vertragsgemäß am kommenden Montag anliefern. Weinberger aber hat alle Türen versperrt [...,denn...]Weinberger hockt auf Hunderten von Schokokuss-Kartons. Was soll er jetzt noch mit 40.000 Eiern, die ja rasch verarbeitet werden müssen? Huhn muss unverrichteter Dinge mit den Eiern abziehen. Weinberger gerät mit seiner Handlungsweise in Annahmeverzug."

First term explained by now. Second:
"Hans Huhn hat jetzt die Möglichkeit..., einen Selbsthilfeverkauf vorzunehmen. Dies bedeutet nach § 373 ff. HGB: Der Verkäufer, also Hans Huhn, ist befugt, nach vorheriger Androhung die Ware öffentlich versteigern zu lassen...Handelt es sich um verderbliche Ware...und ist Gefahr im Verzuge, dann bedarf es der Androhung nicht. "

Proposed translations

66 days

resale caused by, following, or on buyer’s default

I think I should quote the German HGB section you’re asking about, as I don‘t particularly trust the English version of it:

(1) Ist der Käufer mit der Annahme der Ware im Verzug, so kann der Verkäufer die Ware auf Gefahr und Kosten des Käufers in einem öffentlichen Lagerhaus oder sonst in sicherer Weise hinterlegen.

That’s relatively easy to find when looking for British T&Cs:
"…the Seller may…charge the Buyer with the cost of storage from the date the goods were tendered for delivery, the cost of any additional transport…"

(2) Er ist ferner befugt, nach vorgängiger Androhung die Ware öffentlich versteigern zu lassen; er kann, wenn die Ware einen Börsen- oder Marktpreis hat, nach vorgängiger Androhung den Verkauf auch aus freier Hand durch einen zu solchen Verkäufen öffentlich ermächtigten Handelsmakler oder durch eine zur öffentlichen Versteigerung befugte Person zum laufenden Preise bewirken…
(see above)

This bit is not as easy, considering there isn’t really any auction option available outside Germany. A translation provided by the University of Texas describes the procedure as follows:
"…after the buyer’s default to take delivery, he had by auction resold the merchandise and, converting it into French currency…"

…Ist die Ware dem Verderb ausgesetzt und Gefahr im Verzug, so bedarf es der vorgängigen Androhung nicht; dasselbe gilt, wenn die Androhung aus anderen Gründen untunlich ist.
(see above)

(3) Der Selbsthilfeverkauf erfolgt für Rechnung des säumigen Käufers.

Now those paragraphs, however, can be found in Section 48 of the Sale of Goods Act:
"(3) Where the goods are of a perishable nature, or where the unpaid seller gives notice to the buyer of his intention to re-sell, and the buyer does not within a reasonable time pay or tender the price, the unpaid seller may re-sell the goods and recover from the original buyer damages for any loss occasioned by his breach of contract."

(4) Der Verkäufer und der Käufer können bei der öffentlichen Versteigerung mitbieten.

See second list item.

(5) Im Falle der öffentlichen Versteigerung hat der Verkäufer den Käufer von der Zeit und dem Orte der Versteigerung vorher zu benachrichtigen; von dem vollzogenen Verkaufe hat er bei jeder Art des Verkaufs dem Käufer unverzüglich Nachricht zu geben. Im Falle der Unterlassung ist er zum Schadensersatz verpflichtet. Die Benachrichtigungen dürfen unterbleiben, wenn sie untunlich sind.

See third list item.

After reading a few excerpts from "Contracts in General, Chapter 16: Remedies for Breach of Contract (Courses of Action Open to a Party Aggrieved)" by G. H. Treitel (2020) and the "International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law" by B. G. Garth (1976), I believe resale to be a safe bet, in line with Section 38 of the Sale of Goods Act:
"Subject to this and any other Act, notwithstanding that the property in the goods may have passed to the buyer, the unpaid seller of goods, as such, has by implication of law—
(a) a lien on the goods or right to retain them for the price while he is in possession of them;
(b) in case of the insolvency of the buyer, a right of stopping the goods in transit after he has parted with the possession of them;
(c) a right of re-sale as limited by this Act."

To add some global perspective here, I also found this Canadian document from 1929 on the "Seller’s right to resell":!f...

In short, you’re going to be understood--as long as you leave out the auction bit, I’d say.

You have several options at your disposal when it comes to the English counterpart of Selbsthilfeverkauf, such as "re-sale on buyer’s default" (p. 88) here…

…or "resale following default by buyer" (thanks to Robin for the idea).

The Selbsthilfeverkauf is even part of the CISG, that is, the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sales of Goods, though they only use "sale":

"(1) A party who is bound to preserve the goods in accordance with article 85 or 86 may sell them by any appropriate means if there has been an unreasonable delay by the other party in taking possession of the goods or in taking them back or in paying the price or the cost of preservation, provided that reasonable notice of the intention to sell has been given to the other party.
(2) If the goods are subject to rapid deterioration or their preservation would involve unreasonable expense, a party who is bound to preserve the goods in accordance with article 85 or 86 must take reasonable measures to sell them. To the extent possible he must give notice to the other party of his intention to sell.
(3) A party selling the goods has the right to retain out of the proceeds of sale an amount equal to the reasonable expenses of preserving the goods and of selling them. He must account to the other party for the balance."

They don't mention an auction either; but it certainly wouldn't hurt to include some kind of reference to such an internationally known (and globally used) framework.

In short, I just wouldn't add anything that won't be immediately understood by an international audience (whom these T&Cs are presumably addressed to).
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks again, Björn (and Robin) for your research and ideas. I simply went with "resale" in the end – no feedback from the customer, but there's certainly enough here to back it up!"
5 hrs

mitigation re/sale

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For ref: intromission (Br.), replevin ?, sale, emergency sale, Der grosse Eichborn.
Example sentence:

Mitigation of loss is an area of law which operates to limit the amount of damages that can be recovered for breach of contract or commission of a tort.

Peer comment(s):

agree AllegroTrans : Yes, effectively "self-help sale" but your "explanation" is weird and I fail to understand why you mention replevin which concerns seized goods and intromission which has no earthly connection with this
1 hr
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