Glossary entry

German term or phrase:


English translation:

Abgeltungsverordnung (compensation ordinance)

Added to glossary by Sanni Kruger (X)
Dec 1, 2015 10:33
8 yrs ago
1 viewer *
German term


German to English Bus/Financial Business/Commerce (general) waste management
This is about a new regulation that is coming into force in Austria at the beginning of next year. So far, I have failed to find a satisfactory translation. I have ideas, but wonder if the term has been translated before. Can anyone help? Here is a snippet of the text:
Werden Verpackungsabfälle nicht richtig getrennt und landen im Restmüll, müssen sich Kommunen um die Entsorgung kümmern und letztlich die Mehrkosten tragen. Um diesen Mehraufwand der Kommunen auszugleichen, verabschiedete Österreich jetzt eine sogenannte *Abgeltungsverordnung*, die am 1. Januar 2016 wirksam wird. Die *Abgeltungsverordnung* regelt jene Zahlungen, die die Sammel- und Verwertungssysteme als finanziellen Ausgleich für alle Verpackungen, die im Restmüll landen, an die Kommunen zu leisten haben.

Proposed translations

7 hrs

Abgeltungsverordnung (compensation ordinance)

I think you have two options here.

One is to do a very helpful translation that gives as much information as possible - say, "unsorted packaging waste compensation ordinance".

That's what I'd normally do, but the other option is to do a literal translation. I believe that is more appropriate here, since the text goes on to explain what it is - basically an additional landfill tax charged to manufacturers for waste that's thrown away when it should be recycled.

I normally prefer "regulation" for "Verordnung". However, that would make it "compensation regulation", which is a possible translation but sounds a bit odd to me.
Note from asker:
Dear Phil, Thanks for your help. You're exactly on the right track. with the help of another colleague I found the pricise answer Compensation Order Household Packaging 2015 here:
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
2 hrs
German term (edited): (AT) Abgeltungsverordnung

Countervailing (Residual Waste) Charges Ordinance/(EU) Regulation

Not a countervailing duty but charge to counterbalance the waste recycling effort.
Example sentence:

This page explains when any anti-dumping or countervailing charges must be paid, and includes notes on special cases such as duty suspension schemes

DEFINITION of 'Countervailing Duties' Tariffs levied on imported goods to offset subsidies made to producers of these goods in the exporting country.

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12 hrs

(Austrian) Ordinance on Compensation admittedly not very elegant, but follows the precedent set by the German Minstry of Justice (-> that never strays from "Ordinance" whenever the source is called a Verordnung. If you're after a safe and conservative translation, this is what I would go for.

If you're looking for beauty instead, make it "(Austrian) Compensation Act".

The credit for "compensation" goes in any case to philgoddard.
Peer comment(s):

neutral philgoddard : How is this different from my answer, apart from being longer?
8 hrs
Well, it's actually shorter. Not a big difference though, but still a difference. Having said that, I consider your answer to be quite good.
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