Glossary entry

French term or phrase:

Le carre des restes permet de s'affranchir du signe des restes

English translation:

square of the remainders?

Added to glossary by French2English
Oct 8, 2001 06:15
23 yrs ago
2 viewers *
French term

Le carre des restes permet de s'affranchir du signe des restes

French to English Tech/Engineering
'Les "restes" (colonne G) sont calcules en realisant la difference entre la valeur % concentration obtenue par analyse laboratoire et la valeur du refractometre. Le carre des restes (colonne H) permet de s'affranchir du signe des restes pour le calcul d'optimisation...'

Using an Excel spreadsheet to calculate concentrations of one solution in another. I would like some feedback on my translation of the above, which is:
'The "remainders" (column G) are calculated from the difference between the percentage of the concentration obtained by laboratory analysis and the reading from the refractometer. The remainder box (column H) makes it possible to dispense with the remainder sign to calculate the optimization.'
Have I understood this correctly do you think and can anyone improve upon my translation? I do hope so!
Proposed translations (English)
1 square of the remainders?

Proposed translations

8 mins

square of the remainders?

Does the "square of the remainders" fit better with the mathematical calculation being performed in your spreadsheet? Just a guess.
Something went wrong...
1 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Yes - I think you could be right... I thought about that afterwards. Yours was the only answer to get through before the site 'suppressed' my question. I think it might have been too long-winded!"
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