Glossary entry

French term or phrase:


English translation:

lower keuper

Added to glossary by transatgees
Aug 27, 2003 15:07
21 yrs ago
French term


French to English Science vineyard soils
In a list of soils in a vinezard. No further context, sorrz!

Proposed translations

12 mins

Lower Keuper (sandstone, marls etc.)

Forschung in der Paläontologie
... Der Lettenkeuper ist ein etwa 20 m mächtiges Schichtpaket aus Karbonaten, Tonsteinen,
Mergeln und Sandsteinen, die im rhythmischen Wechsel aufeinander folgen. ... - 9k - En caché - Páginas similares

Fallbeispiel Herrenberg
... Deutlich zu erkennen ist der unruhige Verlauf der Verwerfung zwischen Gipskeuper
(km1) und Lettenkeuper (ku) in den lössfreien Bereichen. ... fallbeispiele/herrenberg/herrenberg.html - 7k - En caché - Páginas similares

Formato de archivo: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
... gypsum and dolomite layers Stratified, low permeable fractured rock aquifer Lower
Keuper or Lettenkeuper (ku) · Linguladolomit · Anoplophoradolomit Claystone ... doku/NA%20Field%20Study%20CHC.pdf - Páginas similares

rock salt (800—300o ft.). Lower Keuper sandstone, marls and thin sandstones at the top, red and white sandstones (including the so-called “ waterstones “) below, with breccias and conglomerates at the base (15o—250 ft.). The basal or “ dolomitic conglomerate “ is a shore or scree breccia derived from local materials; it is well developed in the Mendip district. The rocksalt beds vary from I in. to 100 ft. in thickness; they are extensively worked (mined and pumped) in Cheshire, Middlesbrough and Antrim. The Keuper covers a large area in the midlands and around the flanks of the Pennine range; it reaches southward to the Devonshire coast, eastward into Yorkshire and northwestward into north Ireland and south Scotland. As in Germany, there are one or more “bone beds “in the English Rhaetic with a similar assemblage of fossils. In the “ white has “ the upper hard limestone is known as the “ sun bed “ or “Jew stone “; at the base is the Cotham or landscape marble.

KEUPER, in geology the third or uppermost subdivision of the Triassic system. The name is a local miners’ term of German origin; it corresponds to the French marnes irisées. The formation is well exposed in Swabia, Franconia, Alsace and Lorraine and Luxemburg; it extends from Basel on the east side of the Rhine into Hanover, and northwards it spreads into Sweden and through England into Scotland and north-east Ireland; it appears flanking the central plateau of France and in the Pyrenees and Sardinia. In the German region it is usual to divide the Keuper into three groups, the Rliaetic or upper Keuper, the middle, Hauptkeu per or gypskeuper, and the lower, Kohlenkeu per or Lettenko/jie. In Germany the lower division consists mainly of grey clays and schieferletten with white, grey and brightly coloured sandstone and dolomitic limestone. The upper part of this division is often a grey dolomite known as the Grenz dolomite; the impure coal beds—Lettenko/ile—are aggregated towards the base. The middle division is thicker than either of the others (at Gdttingen, 450 metres); it consists of a marly series below, grey, red and green mans with gypsum and dolomite—this is the gypskeuper in its restricted sense. The higher part of the series is sandy, hence called the Steinmergel; it is comparatively free from gypsum. To this division belong the Myophoria beds (M. Raibliana) with galena in places; the Estheria beds (E. laxilesta); the Schelfsandstein, used as a buildi~1g-stone; the Lehrherg and Berg-gyps beds; Semionotus beds (S. Bergen) with building-stone of Coburg; and the Burgand Stubensandstein. The salt,which is associated with gypsum, is exploited in south Germany at Dreuze, Pettoncourt, Vie in Lorraine and Wimpfen on the Neckar. A 4-metre coal is found on this horizon in the Erzgebirge, and another, 2 metres thick, has been mined in Upper Silesia. The upper Keuper, Rhaetic or Avicula contorta zone in Germany is mainly sandy with dark grey shales and marls; it is seldom more than 25 metres thick. The sandstones are used for building purposes at Bayreuth, Culmbach and Bamberg. In Swabia and the Wesergebirge are several “ bone-beds,” thicker than those in the middle Keuper which contain a rich assemblage of fossil remains of fish, reptiles and the mammalian teeth of Microlestes antiquus and Triglyptzas Fraasi. The name Rhaetic is derived from the Rhaetic Alps where the beds are well developed; they occur also in centra France, the Pyrenees and England. In S.Tirol and the Judic. arian Mountains the Rhaetic is represented by the Kossenei beds. In the Alpine region the presence of coral beds gives ris to the so-called “Lithodendron Kalk.”

In Great Britain the Keuper contains the following sub divisions: Rhaetic or Penarth beds, grey, red and green marls black shales and so-called “ white has “ (10—150 ft.). Uppe:

Keuper marl, red and grey marls and shales with gypsum am

Note added at 18 mins (2003-08-27 15:25:17 GMT)

Kanzlerberg - [ Traduzca esta página ]
... The very heavy clayey soil is composed of grey and black gypsum bearing marls from
Lower Keuper overlying the calcareous Upper Muschelkalk outcropping lower ... GrandsCrus.ShowGrandCru/ID/17/Language/En.cfm - 10k - En caché - Páginas similares

Peer comment(s):

agree sarahl (X)
35 mins
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you"
3 mins


It seems to be a toponym - the name of a place in Germany.
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21 mins

Lower Keuper layer or lower keuper marl layers

Lettenkeuper = lower Keuper

Keuper : étage supérieur du Trias* germanique.

Trias : première période de l'ère secondaire, s'étendant de -230 à -200 Ma. Divisé pour les formations correspondant à la mer Germanique en trois époques : le Buntsandstein, le Muschelkalk* et le Keuper*.

Géologie et Hydrogéologie : L'Amance et ses affluents dissèquent les plateaux de Fayl-Billot où les couches géologiques présentent une structure horizontale. Deux couches géologiques affleurent : les grès du Rhétien sur les plateaux et les marnes du Keuper au niveau des vallées. Le fond des vallées est recouvert par des alluvions récentes. La nappe aquifère du grès donne une ligne de source à débit régulier. D'un point de vue hydrogéologique, le soutien d'étiage est faible et l'écoulement est moyennement à très fluctuant mais pérenne.

Note added at 24 mins (2003-08-27 15:31:13 GMT)

it is a time period corresponding to geological formation
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