This question was closed without grading. Reason: No acceptable answer
Jul 28, 2010 19:45
14 yrs ago
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French term

image en grelots

French to English Medical Medical (general) radiology sign
This is a radiology sign for a CT scan for a patient with pulmonary aspergillosis. Elsewhere in Kudoz it is given as probably "air crescent sign" but I haven't been able to confirm that. Does anyone know for sure?


Joan Berglund (asker) Aug 2, 2010:
For purposes of getting the translation in on time, I ended up using "cavity with mobile fungal ball" as you suggested - thanks very much for the help. I found a lot of articles that used some variation of this term as a sign of aspergillosis in addition to air-crescent sign. So it looks to me like we do make a disctinction between this sign and air crescent sign, but we don't have an official name for it as a radiological sign. I want to keep this open for a while in case I or anyone else finds anything further, or if I hear something back from the client. I did let them know the term was giving me some difficulty.
Joan Berglund (asker) Jul 29, 2010:
thanks for the grelot That does make it really clear what it looks like, although I am still not sure of the best word. It almost does look like the pictures of "air crescent sign", so maybe we don't make the distinction? I think I need to leaf through a few articles on radiological signs of aspergillosis, there seem to be quite a few of these articles, but it will take some time.
SJLD Jul 29, 2010:
to help with the imagery a "grelot",.html
So it's an empty round shell with a ball that moves about inside >> cavity with mobile fungal ball
SJLD Jul 29, 2010:
IMO the presence of a cavity is essential for the "image en grelot". It's not merely a "ball-shaped" lesion (which a radiologist would probably call a round opacity).
SJLD Jul 29, 2010:
Another, where the air crescent is clearly visible (lesion bottom left)
SJLD Jul 29, 2010:
difference of opinion in French then

ASPERGILLOSE - ASPERGILOSE, ASPERGILLUS, ASPERGILLOME || Santé ... - [ Translate this page ]C'est une image en grelot (opacité arrondie surmontée d'un croissant gazeux) Mais très souvent l'image sera une opacité mal limitée ... -
Imanol Jul 29, 2010:
"L'image est dite en grelot quand l'opacité de forme plus ou moins arrondie est déclive et mobile (clichés en décubitus) à l'intérieur de la cavité (aspergillome). L'image est dite en croissant ou en ménisque quand une clarté arciforme moule une partie de l'opacité intracavitaire." (

So, there seems to be a difference between "image en grelot" and "image en croissant" (air crescent sign)

Proposed translations

13 hrs

ball-shaped (mass)

grelot = fungal ball (mycetoma or aspergilloma)

Noninvasive aspergillosis: the saprophytic form of aspergillosis always occurs in previously damaged lungs, usually in a cavity. Imaging shows a mobile intracavitary, usually indistinct "ball-shaped mass" (

a secondary cavity appears containing a
small fungal ball (

the typical aspect of fungal ball inside the pulmonary cavity (

A case of opportunistic pulmonary infection in the form of fungal ball produced by the family of mucoraceae in the class of phycomycetes having nonseptate hyphae (cellophane tubules) with haphazard branching in a post-tubercular immunocompetent patient is described. (
Peer comment(s):

neutral SJLD : the "image en grelot" is not just the ball but also the air around it - the presence of a cavity is essential
1 min
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9 hrs

bell sign

image en grelot: "bell sign (a radiological image similar to an aspergilloma)". Dictionary of Medicine/Dictionnaire de médecine, French-English. 2nd Revised Ed., 2004. Svetolik P. Djordjevic.

Note added at 20 hrs (2010-07-29 16:45:09 GMT)

Is "bell" a misprint in this dictionary? Should it be "ball" instead?
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22 hrs

air crescent sign

yes, often seen in aspergillomas on x-ray.

Note added at 21 minutes (2010-07-28 20:06:31 GMT)

"image en grelot"- typically reported in x-ray reports. If the clinical context fits, it is highly suggestive of aspergilloma of lung.
The term "grelot" has other meanings in other contexts, often a spherical shape, with or without an internal part "jangling".
The lung is the most straight forward to interpret and "air crescent sign" seems to appear in the radiology literature.

Note added at 23 minutes (2010-07-28 20:08:21 GMT)

Référence :

Note added at 22 heures (2010-07-29 18:12:02 GMT)

Accord Drmanu49
1 heure
Accord SJLD: yes, but please read this: (IOW Monod's sign is probably more "correct" from a purist's POV if condition is not yet treated.) Hi Michael!
11 heures
Neutre Imanol: air crescent = croissant gazeux. What we are talking about here is the grelot itself (fungal ball), not the air crescent that surmounts it
12 heures

Note added at 1 jour5 minutes (2010-07-29 19:50:34 GMT)

(Sorry for posting problem due to computer glitches with borrowed computer away from home. I reposted here what was up before erroneous deletion. My apologies for any confusion.)
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Reference comments

3 hrs


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13 hrs

L’Aspergillome réalise habituellement une image en grelot dans 32 à 100%des cas(14,16,17,23). Il s’agit d’une opacité dense, arrondie ou ovalaire, de taille variable, siègeant au sein d’une cavité qu’elle occupe en partie, laissant un croissant clair gazeux polaire supérieur. Cette masse, qui correspond à l’aspergillome" libre", est mobile aux changements de position.

Note added at 21 hrs (2010-07-29 17:00:20 GMT)

The characteristic appearance of an aspergilloma is one or more rounded masses within a round or ovoid cavity (Figure 3); classically, the mass is demarcated on one aspect from the wall of the cavity by a crescent - shaped collection of air.

Note added at 21 hrs (2010-07-29 17:03:52 GMT)

For the sake of completion:
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