Jun 21 14:19
4 mos ago
36 viewers *
French term

susvisés n'étant pas décédés

Non-PRO French to English Law/Patents Law (general) acte de notoriété
Bonjour je me casse un peu la tête à comprendre toute la phrase et vous remercie beaucoup d'avance pour votre aide / éclaircissements.
Etant ici précisé que ledit codicille s'avérant caduque, les légataires nommés dans le testament et les codicilles un et deux susvisés n'étant pas décédés.
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Jun 22, 2024 06:52: Tony M changed "Level" from "PRO" to "Non-PRO"

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PRO (1): Daryo

Non-PRO (3): Charlie Bavington, Rob Grayson, Tony M

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ph-b Jun 23:
Daryo, Re: "answering the question as asked" is NOT the right way to proceed
Merci de ne pas tronquer les messages.
Lucia28 (asker) Jun 23:
Thank you all, once again ! I will see tomorrow once I get more details on the sentence itself !
Daryo Jun 22:
@ Simon Charass Exactly:

"les légataires [nommés dans le testament et les codicilles un et deux susvisés] n'étant pas décédés.

Seems blindingly obvious to me, and definitely needs to be clarified first.

When the wording of a question (/ the "term to translate") is the result of a wrong parsing of the ST "answering the question as asked" is NOT the right way to proceed.
Simon Charass Jun 22:
Lucia28 The way I read it is: "les légataires nommés (dans le testament et les codicilles un et deux susvisés) n'étant pas décédés.
Mpoma Jun 22:
Did my comment in this thread actually get posted? I'm slightly bemused by the last few comments, "since", etc., putting in the indicative, as I said all this stuff in my comment (no. 2 in this thread). Is that comment actually, er, visible?

Maybe it got effectively eclipsed by Andrew's not entirely uncharacteristic remonstrance?

In fact, although "s'avérant" should, in ordinary language, be in the indicative here (to make more sense), it'd be wrong, IMHO, to say that using the present participle here is "wrong". This is a kind of "notary's narrative use" of the pres. part. in the first part, which kind of "balances" the tense of the explained consequence against the tense of the reason, i.e. "n'étant pas".

That said, it's comes across as quite exotic (for those who don't engage with the notarial mind every day), but I have seen notaries write like this quite a bit. And it is rare that a notary makes a drafting mistake or has rubbish knowledge of French grammar.
Tony M Jun 22:
@ A/T, Charlie... I think one good way of getting round this pesky participle is to do what I often do in similar constructions, and render it as "since... are not..."
Sure Not being completely insistant that that only my own ideas have any merit, I could go along with that kind of solution too :-)

But it did feature in the Q, so needs to feature in the A.
AllegroTrans Jun 22:
@ Charlie maybe slip in "not being"?
Étant - @Phil (mainly) Badly divided though the question posed is (as Tony says, susvisé is about the codicils, the rest about beneficiaries), "étant" was in there and it is that word that implies a cause/effect of some kind (the details being quite possibly outside the snippet of text we were given) and therefore the answer should, by rights, reflect that, either in the headline answer itself (along lines of "because [they're] not deceased") or perhaps in the explanation. So your response to my neutral is mistaken in my view :-)
philgoddard Jun 22:
Tony M We know what codicils are. Of course it's the heirs and not the codicils that are alive, and no one has suggested otherwise. You should remove your unnecessary disagrees.
Andrew Bramhall Jun 22:
@AT Apologies for my ignorance! I get it now. However my criitical comments re AMM and his convoluted answer remain in place, but otherwise apologies to him re " post-deceased" comments. I hadn't comne across the term before.
Tony M Jun 21:
@ Asker et al. Please note that what is being 'susvisés' here are in fact Codicils 1 and 2, where it is the 'légataires' who are not 'décédés'.
As far as I can see, all of the current suggestions seem to miss this point!
AllegroTrans Jun 21:
@ AB Before you rip into people I suggest that you do a little fact checking:

When a beneficiary dies after Will is probated but before the distribution of an Estate, that person is known as a “post deceased beneficiary” A post deceased distributee is a person who dies after another person who did not leave a Will.

Beneficiary Dies After Will Probated - NYC - RK Law PC

Post-deceased means the next of kin died after the decedent.
Andrew Bramhall Jun 21:
"Post-deceased"???????? Does AMM have insights denied to us mere mortals? Is there now a third estate, alive, deceased, post-deceased?? Or is he on one of his more delusional spiritual planes we don't understand???
Mpoma Jun 21:
The sentence is intelligible, just slightly off. "With the stipulation hereby that the said codicil is lapsed, SINCE the beneficiaries named in the will and in the above-mentioned codicils one and two are not deceased".

Asker: the first gerund/present participle, i.e. "s'avérant", should really be in the indicative. But the sense is clear enough. The second, i.e. "n'étant pas" carries with it, in French, a causal meaning (as mentioned by Charlie Bavington). It's quite idiomatic and very common in French.
Emmanuella Jun 21:
La phrase n'est pas équilibrée. Pourriez-vous contrôler ? Merci.

Proposed translations

4 mins

...above are not deceased

Or are still alive.

Note added at 1 day 9 hrs (2024-06-22 23:35:50 GMT)

You didn't ask for the whole sentence, but just to clarify, I suggest something like 'since the heirs named in the will and codicils 1 and 2 above are not deceased'.
Note from asker:
ah right ! Yes that is more like it
Thank you all ! Still not happy about the whole sentence ! Have asked for some clarifications !
Merci beaucoup pour tous vos commentaires et pour votre aide.
Bonjour voici l'explication - merci beaucoup à tous pour votre aide: Dans le testament au codicille n° 3, Mme xx nommait xx, xx et xx comme légataires, en cas de prédécès des autres légataires nommés aux codicilles un et deux. Ces derniers n’étant pas décédés à ce jour, le codicille trois, nommant xx, xx et xx, est donc caduque/nul, du fait de la survivance des légataires nommés aux deux autres codicilles précédents.
Peer comment(s):

agree writeaway : Yes, but not sure this is a pro-level question (also agree with Charlie)
18 mins
neutral Charlie Bavington : Essentially, yes, of course, but use of "étant" does imply some kind of cause & effect (possibly outside of the snippet posted) so I'd expect the full sentence to include an "as" or "because" or similar & the answer should reflect that, I feel.
42 mins
The asker didn't request a translation of the whole sentence.
agree AllegroTrans : Agree with Charlie, so slight rewording needed; also agree with TonyM that the question is badly parsed but that doesn't matter too much and is to be expected...
46 mins
neutral Mpoma : Endorsement of m'learned friends comments. ... "***SINCE*** the above..." or a thousand other formulations. The asker is an Italianophone and using the gerund (is that what it is?) may be as unintuitive as it is to an Anglophone who knows no French.
1 hr
I've provided a translation for the whole sentence, even though it wasn't asked for.
agree Andrew Bramhall : P..S. Can anyone explain to me what AMM is on about below? Yes Liz, like your ironic comment, ditto yours to AMM below his " answer"!
2 hrs
agree liz askew : What could be clearer?
3 hrs
disagree Tony M : Asker is parsing it wrongly! The 'susvisés' refers to Codicils 1 and 2, not to the légataires. Yes because everyone is translating it as if 'suvisées' and 'décédés' referred to the same thing, or at any rate, failing to clarify.
7 hrs
I didn't say it did! The codicils are not part of the question, and the asker hasn't parsed anything wrongly.
agree ph-b : Answers the question as asked, but a bit of explanation wld have been welcome (e.g. your whole sentence in E), especially for a CL5 answer.
19 hrs
disagree Daryo : Could be a part of the correct translation, but it doesn't help much Asker to understand **the whole sentence**. The question is the result of a wrong parsing, THAT needs fixing FIRST.// "susvisés" are neither dead nor alive, being clauses in a will!
1 day 7 hrs
It's not wrongly parsed.
Something went wrong...
3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks a lot"
51 mins
French term (edited): susvisés n\'étant pas décédés

above- mentioned/ specified/ indicated/ stated/ referred

.... and the above-mentioned codicils one and two, not having been deceased.
Peer comment(s):

disagree AllegroTrans : Codicils don't die, the legatees named in them can; and "not having been deceased" is grammatically unsound
5 mins
I agree, the legatees can die.
disagree Emmanuella : Un codicille est un document
7 mins
the legatees named in the will, and the above-mentioned......
disagree Andrew Bramhall : Your answer would have been right if the question were "how do you translate 'ci-dessus mentionné';
1 hr
disagree Daryo : Mainly on a point of method: the question was asked in the wrong way, presenting two fragment of two different "units of meaning" as a non-existing "unit of meaning": there is NOTHING "susvisés" that's either dead or alive - **read the whole sentence**
1 day 7 hrs
Something went wrong...
2 hrs

(one + two of the parties) as aforesaid not having died (pre- or post-deceased)

We need to know what the Codicil/s say/s, but un et deux could mean the one (dans le testament) et two children etc. (added in the Codicils as pre- or post-deceased beneficiaries).

Etant ici précisé que ledit codicille s'avérant caduque, les légataires nommés dans le testament et les codicilles(,) un et deux susvisés n'étant pas décédés.

It being specified > added for clarification > here that such Codicil has been voided* by virtue of the Beneficiaries** named in the Will and the Codicils, one of the former plus two of the latter as aforesaid not having died (pre- or post-deceased).

*turns out / proves to have lapsed
** Legatees of bequests or devisees of land includes buildings
*** read conjunctively = and, rather than disjunctively = or

legatees of bequests and/or devisees of land & buildings

Note added at 2 hrs (2024-06-21 17:01:00 GMT)

*** one of the former plus two of the latter vs. one of the former or two of the latter
Example sentence:

USA: The most important distinction to know is that PRE-deceased situations are very different than POST-deceased situations. When I refer to “PRE” and “POST” I am talking about when the person died in relation to the decedent (E&W: deceased)

The purpose of a Will Clarity Statement is to provide additional clarification and guidance to the Executors, Trustees, and family members

Peer comment(s):

neutral liz askew : I think you have seriously overcomplicated the matter!
38 mins
neutral Emmanuella : Pourquoi faire compliqué ?
52 mins
disagree AllegroTrans : No, this is about codicils one and two, read it again please
2 hrs
disagree Tony M : I would make the same point as A/T
5 hrs
agree Daryo : Agree that you got the gist of the whole sentence right, but you also did overcomplicated it.
1 day 6 hrs
Something went wrong...
1 day 8 hrs
French term (edited): [les légataires nommés dans le testament et les codicilles un et deux susvisés] n'étant pas décédé

[legatees named in the will and in the aforementioned codicils I and II] not being deceased

First thing first:

get the parsing right, and then this sentence is crystal clear, absolutely nothing wrong with it:

Etant ici précisé que ledit codicille s'avérant caduque, les légataires nommés dans le testament et les codicilles un et deux susvisés n'étant pas décédés.

[Etant ici précisé que] ledit codicille s'avérant caduque,

les légataires nommés dans le testament et les codicilles un et deux susvisés n'étant pas décédés.

further "slicing":
les légataires nommés dans le testament et les codicilles un et deux susvisés n'étant pas décédés.

the whole of:
"les légataires nommés dans le testament et les codicilles un et deux susvisés"

is the subject of:

"n'étant pas décédés".


These "codicils I and II" were applicable only in case the legatees named in them died before the person leaving the will. As they are still alive at the time of death of the person living the will, these "codicils I and II" have become pointless - "expired" / past their useful existence.

IOW the dispositions of "the said codicil" serve no longer any purpose (are figuratively "mort et enterré"), while the person(s) named in the codicil are very much alive.

Etant ici précisé que.. = having clarified that ... having in mind that ...


Note added at 1 day 8 hrs (2024-06-22 23:06:09 GMT)

The [ ] in my proposed translation are there only to make it visually clear that the whole of [...] is the subject, obviously not to be used in the final text.

Note added at 1 day 9 hrs (2024-06-22 23:22:51 GMT)

les légataires nommés (dans le testament et les codicilles un et deux susvisés) n'étant pas décédés
Peer comment(s):

disagree ph-b : Blah blah blah - go back to Mpoma's post in the discussion. It's the 2nd post starting from the beginning, two days ago.
6 hrs
Blah blah blah ....
neutral AllegroTrans : I am quite sure Mpoma has understood this and has correctly modified the parsing to his satisfaction
1 day 20 mins
Probably - but it doesn't show here. Anyone reading answers at some point in future would be under the impression that "susvisés n'étant pas décédés" makes sense as "one unit of meaning".//"Still not happy about the whole sentence ! etc ...?
Something went wrong...
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