Glossary entry

French term or phrase:


English translation:

The executing Notary

    The asker opted for community grading. The question was closed on 2022-10-24 20:54:19 based on peer agreement (or, if there were too few peer comments, asker preference.)
Oct 21, 2022 08:27
1 yr ago
78 viewers *
French term


French to English Law/Patents Law: Contract(s) Procuration pour vendre
Bonjour quelle est la traduction précise et formelle de ces deux termes s'il vous plait ?
Voici le contexte
Pour l'accomplissement des formalités de publicité foncière ou réparer une erreur matérielle, telle que l’omission d’une pièce annexe dont le contenu est relaté aux présentes, le constituant donne tous pouvoirs nécessaires à tout notaire ou à tout clerc de l’office notarial du "notaire instrumentaire" ou participant à l’acte définitif de vente, à l'effet de faire dresser et signer tous actes complémentaires ou rectificatifs, pour mettre cet acte en concordance avec tous les documents hypothécaires, cadastraux ou d'état civil.
Merci beaucoup pour votre aide
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Oct 21, 2022 15:12: Mpoma changed "Level" from "Non-PRO" to "PRO"

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PRO (3): Yolanda Broad, AllegroTrans, Mpoma

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Proposed translations

1 hr

The executing Notary

Notaire ayant pour mandat de recevoir un acte notarié (en minute ou en brevet) et, en principe, la signature de toutes les parties.

Note added at 1 hr (2022-10-21 09:41:37 GMT)

When a legal document gets notarized, a notary attests to its validity and proper execution. 
Example sentence:

The notary executing these documents declares that he has verified the conditions laid down in Article 26 of the Law. Le notaire instrumentaire déclare avoir vérifié l’existence des conditions énumérées à l’article 26 de la loi modifiée du

Peer comment(s):

agree AllegroTrans
2 hrs
Merci beaucoup.
agree writeaway : As also posted in the discussion box
2 hrs
Merci beaucoup.
agree Germaine
5 hrs
Merci beaucoup.
agree Mpoma : yep
5 hrs
Merci beaucoup.
agree Anastasia Kalantzi
7 hrs
Merci beaucoup.
agree Eliza Hall
1 day 2 hrs
Merci beaucoup.
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Merci beaucoup"
1 hr
French term (edited): notaire instrumentaire

Acting Notary

Full title: 'Executive' Notary of the Engrossment of the Deed (US: of Land Conveyance) and attestation (certification or 'notarisation' > the latter ambiguous for drawing up docs. or simply witnessing and certifying such hallowed instruments or certifying the trueness of a *professional* translation).

Compare a Notary Signing Agent in the USA: '...has more involvement with the execution of documents related to real estate.'

'The *acting notary* certifies on sight the civil documents as foreseen by the law, the accuracy of the names, first names, [...] *Le notaire instrumentant* certifie au vu des pièces d'état civil prévues par la loi, l'exactitude des noms, prénoms, lieux [...]

Yours in hope, AMM. erstwhile Commissioner for Oaths.
Example sentence:

ProZ: notaire instrumentaire German translation: beurkundender Notar (attesting, certifying or recording Notary, though is only half of the picture)

Détermination du notaire instrumentaire - ce sont les règlements professionnels qui déterminent lequel des notaires intervenants, celui du vendeur ou celui de l'acquéreur, sera *rédacteur de l'acte et détenteur de la minute*.

Peer comment(s):

agree Bourth : Interesting. I was going to suggest that earlier, then thought about the possible confusion with 'acting' meaning 'standing in for'.
52 mins
agree Lara Barnett
1 hr
agree Jennifer Levey : Potentially misleading, but not wrong.
1 hr
neutral AllegroTrans : potentially misleading as this could imply a deputy: "notary acting" would be slightly clearer
1 hr
neutral Germaine : Misleading. En contexte, ça correspond mieux à "tout notaire... de l’office notarial" qu'au notaire attitré (qui détient les "instruments" dans ses minutes).
5 hrs
neutral Daryo : too misleading.
10 hrs
Something went wrong...
11 hrs
French term (edited): notaire instrumentaire

instrumenting notary

notaire instrumentaire = of all the notaries involved in a transaction, the one in charge of drafting the related instrument and of being its depositary.

One more case where there is nothing wrong with the most literal translation.

Not used that often, still good enough to be used by the Supreme court of Canada:

Supreme Court of Canada

Gervais v. McCarthy, (1904) 35 SCR 14

Principal and agent—Satisfaction and discharge—Payment in advance— Custody of deeds—Notarial profession in Quebec—Art, 3665 R. S. Q.—Attorney in fact—Implied mandate—Evidence—Parol—Commencement of proof in writing—Art, 1233 C.C.—Admissions—Art. 316 C. P. Q.—Practice—Adduction of evidence—Objections to testimony— Rule of public order.

due and was held out to the public generally as the plaintiffs attorney in fact, the collector of her rents, interest and revenues and the general manager of her ] business affairs, for many years anterior to and at the time of the payment as well as for several years after the payment had been made and the mortgage satisfied. It is usual and customary, in the Province of Quebec, that the instrumenting notary, who has the custody of the securities for loans made through his ministration, receives the interest and principal of loans made for his clients. Plaintiff admits, in her evidence, that he was authorized to draw all her moneys and reimburse them to her.

more samples"instrumenting notary"
Something went wrong...
14 hrs

officiating notary

Being the one seated behind the desk and explaining things to those in attendance.

Note added at 14 hrs (2022-10-21 23:06:50 GMT)

I actually meant 'officiating notaire'.

Note added at 1 day 57 mins (2022-10-22 09:24:32 GMT)

Note added at 1 day 13 hrs (2022-10-22 22:04:32 GMT)

Peer comment(s):

neutral AllegroTrans : This may well be part of what he/she does but the crux is drawing up and executing the document(s), so wrong emphasis
4 mins
Weeellll ... The documents are drawn up (based on documents from the 1700s in many cases!) by the clercs de notaire, albeit under a notaire's instructions, but they are never the people sitting behind the desk.
agree FPC : Much as I thought "executing" was fine for the meaning, if there's a standardized official translation for the specific context (France and French law), then it's the best choice.
15 hrs
neutral Daryo : yes, true - but that is secondary. You define/describe concepts by their main characteristics, and "instrument" is a key part of this one.
21 hrs
It could be argued that by sitting at his desk and clicking on keys to scroll the document down the big screen in his office, the notaire is himself an instrument.
agree ph-b (X) : and with FPC
1 day 8 hrs
Something went wrong...

Reference comments

21 mins

drawing up documents

Note added at 22 mins (2022-10-21 08:49:58 GMT)

See the reference entry in that question.

Note added at 2 hrs (2022-10-21 11:02:42 GMT)

No, not "executive".

Note added at 2 hrs (2022-10-21 11:05:18 GMT)

"The notary drawing up the documents".
Note from asker:
Oh you mean the notary who draws up documents ? So the executive notary ?
Peer comments on this reference comment:

agree AllegroTrans : yes but not "executive"
6 hrs
agree Daryo : yes, and also by implication being the depositary of the instrument - every notary will keep only their "own" instruments - drafted by themselves (*rédacteur de l'acte et détenteur de la minute*).
10 hrs
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