Aug 19, 2010 09:36
14 yrs ago
6 viewers *
French term

Organisme liée au taux d’activité

French to English Law/Patents Human Resources collective bargaining agr
'En cas de reprise du travail à temps partiel pour raison médicale autorisée par la Sécurité Sociale et le
médecin du travail, les salariés bénéficient d’une prise en charge par l’Organisme liée au taux d’activité du
salarié. Cette prise en charge est dès lors plafonnée à 50 % du salaire de référence, tel que défini à l’article
22-8 de la CCNM, en complément des indemnités journalières de la Sécurité Sociale, et dans la limite du
salaire net qu’aurait perçu le salarié s’il avait travaillé à temps complet.'

merci d'avance
Votes to reclassify question as PRO/non-PRO:

Non-PRO (2): writeaway, SJLD

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An easy question is one that any bilingual person would be able to answer correctly. (Or in the case of monolingual questions, an easy question is one that any native speaker of the language would be able to answer correctly.)

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writeaway Aug 19, 2010:
agree with Philippa it's been parsed incorrectly. it's une prise en charge liée au taux d’activité du salarié Hopefully a Mod will step in and correct it
Philippa Smith Aug 19, 2010:
not "Organisme" The "liée au taux d'activitié" goes with the "prise en charge", not the "Organisme" (which is masculine anyway); it's referring to the money the employee will be entitled to beause of being forced to work half time, the amount of which is linked to the hours the employee works. Hope that helps!

Proposed translations

15 mins

based on the number of hours worked (see explanation)

'Liée au taux d'activité' is linked to 'prise en charge' (f.), not to 'organisme' (m.)
'prise en charge' could be translated in a variety of ways, but generally refers to financial assistance, reimbursment of expenses, or benefits.
To help you out, here is a (very) rough translation of what is meant:

Employees receive financial assistance from the Organisation/Body, the amount of which is based on the number of hours the employee works.
Peer comment(s):

agree Philippa Smith : No worries! Having two explanations from different people saying the same thing can only help the asker after all... :-)
6 mins
Sorry Philippa, your discussion entry wasn't showing when I posted my answer. I agree with you entirely.
agree mimi 254
53 mins
Thank you Mimi
agree Isabelle Parsley : Just about everyone who posted anything on this page is right :-D
3 hrs
Thanks Isabelle, couldn't agree more ;-)
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "you're right, thanks"
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