Jul 30, 2021 08:17
3 yrs ago
29 viewers *
French term

chaque unité de décalage

French to English Tech/Engineering Computers: Systems, Networks Patents
Un tel multiplieur par décalage et addition comprend typiquement plusieurs unités de décalage (de l’anglais shifts), chaque unité de décalage étant connectée à l’entrée et configurée pour effectuer un décalage d’un nombre prédéfini de bits vers la gauche de la valeur reçue en entrée

Another editing task and not certain about terminology.
Should this be "shift units" or "shifting units", but not "shifts units"?

Translated text - Such a multiplier by offset and addition typically comprises a plurality of shifts units, each shifting unit being connected to the input and configured to shift the input value to the left by a predefined number of bits; and a set of summing unit(s) connected directly to the output of the shifting units and configured to sum the outputs of the shifting units.
Proposed translations (English)
5 shifter / shifter unit


Bashiqa (asker) Jul 30, 2021:
@ Daryo Thank you very much for info. Language is simpler, easy to understand, all I have to do is convince client o rewrite the title and abstract. Althea`s refs seem fine. I`ll let you know how I get on with client.
Daryo Jul 30, 2021:
I would get rid of "offset" as it's no more than a misleading and unnecessary "synonym" for shifting (bits of a register), and stick to the terminology used in the very relevant references found by Althea Draper.

Such a multiplier (/multiplication unit (?) operating by...) by shifting and adding typically comprises a plurality of shifters (/shifter units), each shifter (/shifter unit) being connected to the input and configured to shift the input value to the left by a predefined number of bits; and a set of adders (/ adder units) connected directly to the output of the shifters (/shifter units) and configured to sum the outputs of the shifters (/shifter units).

BTW "shift" is one of the most basic commands in "bare metal" computer programming.

Bashiqa (asker) Jul 30, 2021:
@ Samuel In the translated text we have "offset and addition " followed by "shifts which appears to replace the offset. What if any is the difference between shift and offset?
Samuël Buysschaert Jul 30, 2021:
@agree with Tony and Conor The text mentions "unités de décalage" so shift units is correct,
shifter is "registre à décalage" if i am not mistaken. // what i mean by that is shifter unit feels weird, as shifter = unité de décalage in the references, to quote "Les unités de calcul, 3 unités: UAL, multiplieur, registre de décalage (shifter)" 'Unité de décalage (Shifter)"; would stick with shift unit.
Althea Draper Jul 30, 2021:
I think it might be shifter units and adder units. Have a look at the following
https://constellation.uqac.ca/509/1/24625610.pdf page 21 under "Multipliers" "Décalage et addition — Un opérande est décalé à gauche d'un bit par cycle et est appliqué à un additionneur lorsque le bit correspondant du second opérande est haut. Cette technique donne des mises en œuvre compactes, mais très lentes, nécessitant N cycles d'horloge pour se compléter, et ne permet pas le chevauchement des calculs. Arbre logique - Chacun des bits résultants sont une fonction logique des bits associés de chaque opérande. Cela donne une grande structure à entrance élevée, envisageable jusqu'à 32 bits"

https://www.slideshare.net/aubinmo/coursdsp-tdi slide 18 -"Unité de décalage (Shifter)* Travaille sur 32 bits sur des nombres à virgule fixe* Décalages et rotations* Mise à 1 ou 0 des bits, tests"

http://ce.sharif.edu/courses/86-87/2/ce353/resources/root/Le... various shifters and adders

http://homepage.cs.uiowa.edu/~bdmyers/cs2630_su17/public/lec... - how to design adders and shifters
Tony M Jul 30, 2021:
@ Asker No, we wouldn't say 'sum' units (though we might do) — it's difficult to explain, it's just that it 'feels' wrong; I think it's because we are more used in everyday language to use 'sum' and 'summing', whereas 'shift' is not a normal operator in arithmetic. It just feels to me as if one might consider that the unit 'creates' a 'shift', whereas we don't think of an adder as 'creating a sum' (OK, it does, literally — but we don't really analyse it down to that level in everyday use)
There's 'clunky' and 'clunky' — patentese is clunky in a specific way, compared to everyday EN — but when you get bits that sound clunky even to the jargon-attuned ears of a specialist in the field, you can start to suspect soemthing's amiss.
Bashiqa (asker) Jul 30, 2021:
@ Tony My choice is shift units, but would we also say sum units? Re clunky phrase, patents are mostly clunky. If it was left to me I`d delete about 50% of the text, I`d also lose my job.
Tony M Jul 30, 2021:
@ Asker I'd say 'shift units' — avoid the '-ing', it's used like a different part of speech in this context. Cf. expressions like 'shift register' etc.

I'm not too sure about that "multiplier by offset and addition" either... sounds clunky to me, not natural jargon. I'd expect something more like 'shift/add multiplier' etc.
Bashiqa (asker) Jul 30, 2021:
@ Any answerers Just noticed that there are summing units, so perhaps "shifting units" is OK.

Proposed translations

9 hrs
French term (edited): unité de décalage

shifter / shifter unit

see very relevant references found by Althea Draper.

"unité de décalage" = the piece of hardware that does the "shifting" - which amount to multiplication in base 2 of the initial content of the register - multiplication by 2 / 4 / 8 / 16 / ... (2 exp n) if all bits are shifted 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / ... n positions.

multiplieur par décalage et addition = a "unit that does the multiplication" by shifting and adding (implied: by shifting the content of one register (at the time) and adding of the contents of two (or more) registers containing the "shifted" values)

unité de décalage = a unit that does the "shifting"= shifter / shifter unit

Note added at 4 days (2021-08-03 20:50:11 GMT)

... which amounts to ...
Note from asker:
I`ve learned enough about computer language in last few days to last me quite a while.
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you."

Reference comments

31 mins

There are about 10,000 search result matches for "shift units" + computing, seems to be ok.

Note added at 41 mins (2021-07-30 08:59:27 GMT)

Oh, lucky you. I love Toulouse, pity it's so hot down there.

I meant this as a Discussion entry, but the new lay-out fooled me. Now back on old lay-out again.
Note from asker:
Thanks. I`ll not get my red pen out just yet, in any case have to go down to Toulouse so will not be back at desk before late afternoon.
Not so hot Toulouse, just found out a pullover to take with me. The Sun has gone on strike, again.
Something went wrong...
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