Glossary entry (derived from question below)
French term or phrase:
après constatation
English translation:
following attestation of birth/verifications
French term
après constatation
I am translating a Belgian birth certificate and have the following:
"Acte dressé (...) après constatation et sur déclaration du père"
How would I translate "après constatation" in this instance?
This is for the UK.
3 +6 | following verification | Conor McAuley |
4 | Upon confirmation | Andrew Bramhall |
2 -1 | post-acknowledgement (of the child as his) | Adrian MM. |
Proposed translations
following verification
I don't remember ever seeing this in a French Birth Cert but the Belgians do things their own way, and rightly so.
Note added at 18 mins (2022-02-23 17:34:22 GMT)
Or the plural:
following verifications
Possibly better.
Note added at 48 mins (2022-02-23 18:04:12 GMT)
I suppose the midwife and/or nurses attending the birth confirm the date and time of birth and confirm the mother as the mother of the child, and then the father recognises the child as his (in France this can happen prior to the birth).
Same for other details. Quite a lot to check, actually: gender of child, first names given, surname or surnames to be used, etc.
Note added at 16 hrs (2022-02-24 09:39:59 GMT)
That's a great spot, I think you're on to something.
This is a Quebec reference, but a similar procedure must apply in Belgium:
C'est l'accoucheur, qu'il soit médecin, sage-femme ou autre, qui dresse le *constat de la naissance* de l'enfant. Il y énonce *le lieu, la date et l'heure de la naissance, le sexe de l'enfant, de même que le nom et le domicile de la mère*.
Le constat de naissance | Vos droits en santé
I would call this a "record of birth", or perhaps a "registration of birth", to completely avoid any confusions with the actual Birth Certificate (UK English, Canadian too, it seems).
So, in your context:
"Certificate drawn up (...) based on the record of birth and on a statement made by the father".
I meant to come back to this question anyway, to mention other situations, for example the children of same-sex couples, surrogate mothers, children give up for adoption, etc.
Note added at 16 hrs (2022-02-24 09:40:51 GMT)
children giveN up for adoption
Note added at 23 hrs (2022-02-24 16:55:52 GMT)
I suppose the crux of the matter is whether you think it is the "accoucheur" or the Civil Registrar doing the "constation": amounts to the same thing in the end, really, I suppose.
Note added at 1 day 20 hrs (2022-02-25 14:11:19 GMT)
To Joanna: sounds good to me, keep it simple, short and sweet!
Thanks Conor! A colleague also sent this link which talks about "constat de naissance" |
Thanks again Conor! I really like your last suggestion but this is a certified translation and I can't add any notions so I might use "verification" or "attestation" as used in Quebec |
Upon confirmation
post-acknowledgement (of the child as his)
My Belgian hunch is that this is an 'affiliation' process.
Note added at 6 hrs (2022-02-24 00:01:03 GMT)
Acte dressé le vingtdeux septembre deux mille dix après constatation et sur la déclaration du père, par Anne Libelle, Échevin, Officier de l'État civil
En droit français, il existe quatre modes d'établissement de la filiation : l'établissement non contentieux (par l'effet de la loi, par une *reconnaissance volontaire* ou par la possession d'état constatée dans un acte de notoriété)
disagree |
Andrew Bramhall
: Sorry, really not; and nothing you have posted substantiates your "term", sorry. Just a wild (and totally incorrect) guess.
32 mins
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