Nov 20, 2008 13:18
15 yrs ago
3 viewers *
French term

relation contractuelle dure

French to English Bus/Financial Business/Commerce (general)
I'm not quite sure what the exact "business" term is for this. "Strictly contractual relationship?" About a difficult negotiation between two business partners?

Ils ont immédiatement répondu de nouveau que ce n'était pas raisonable, qu'il faudrait de toute façon renégocier complètement le contrat existant car n'étant plus adapté au programme et que si nous allions dans cette voie, ce serait la perte de l'attitude partenariale et la mise en place d'une relation contractuelle dure.

Votes to reclassify question as PRO/non-PRO:

Non-PRO (2): writeaway, AllegroTrans

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Proposed translations

3 mins

difficult contractual relationship

Peer comment(s):

agree Anthony Lines (X)
3 mins
agree Rob Grayson : absolutely
15 mins
agree writeaway : dur dur d'être traducteur, to paraphrase the hit song'être_bébé
27 mins
agree Laura Tridico : Fits the context perfectly
33 mins
agree Catherine Gilsenan
1 hr
agree William TAHIL : Or an "inflexible" contractual relationship.
1 hr
agree AllegroTrans
5 hrs
agree lingo_montreal
6 days
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
28 mins

hardline contractual relationship

"Hardline" instead of the euphemistic "difficult"?
Peer comment(s):

agree Radu DANAILA : a "difficult" contractual relationship may result from many causes - "relation dure" is - here - about a partnership turned into a power struggle between the parties to the contract - that's how I see it too, J.
8 mins
Yes, uncompromising!
agree Aude Sylvain : oui, c'est ce que je comprends aussi. je suis d'accord avec Radu, "difficult" me fait plus penser à "conflictuelle", "tendue", ces idées ne figurent pas dans le texte à mon avis.
54 mins
agree rkillings
16 hrs
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