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Jan 25, 2018 17:58
6 yrs ago
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French term

ouvrir des enquêtes sur un débat

French to English Art/Literary Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting art journals
Context: an artists' manifesto contesting current views of contemporary decorative arts.

Full paragraph: "S’il est incontestable que les questions d’art décoratif depuis 1900 et l’Exposition de 1925 passionnent effectivement le public, il n’en demeure pas moins que, depuis quelque temps, les vociférations et les haros qui accueillent généralement, dès sa naissance, chaque évolution esthétique, quelle qu’elle soit, augmentent d’intensité et semblent même trouver des échos inquiétants. Les attaques contre l’art moderne, c’est-à-dire l’art le plus représentatif du temps et le plus conditionné par l’époque, se font de plus en plus vives. Et le fait même que plusieurs revues autorisées aient songé à ouvrir des enquêtes sur un débat qui, somme toute, ne pourrait être qu’un épisode de la vieille querelle des anciens et des modernes, montre l’importance du conflit. (…) En effet, il ne s’agit pas seulement aujourd’hui de se contenter de compter les points qui sont à l’actif de l’avant-garde et du traditionalisme dans une phase critique de l’éternel balancement action-réaction, mais de résoudre toute une série de problèmes artistiques étroitement liés et que viennent compliquer des faits sociaux, techniques, psychologiques et économiques entièrement nouveaux."

There are a number of elements in the paragraph above which I'm unclear about and which I'd love to discuss with you if you have some ideas... Here, I wanted to focus on the phrase "ouvrir des enquêtes sur un débat". It seems to me that this is a roundabout way of simply saying "address the issue" or "debate this matter" but perhaps I'm misunderstanding what is meant by "enquête" in the context of art journals.

Your input would be highly appreciated!



David Vaughn Jan 29, 2018:
addressing "Addressing the issue" sounds good to me, especially in terms of meaning. I'm not sure where I would go if trying to imitate the character of the original.
Una Dimitrijevic (asker) Jan 29, 2018:
Thanks, I think that using a term like 'survey' is a little too specific here, so you have confirmed my belief that it's just a roundabout way of saying "looking into"/"addressing"/"investigating" the issue.
katsy Jan 26, 2018:
I would agree with David - investigate (or even launch an investigation into) an issue
David Vaughn Jan 26, 2018:
enquêtes bis This specific wording is quite common in French everyday language, for example, when referring to police "looking into to" something. This slightly literary text is simply using moderately colourful language to talk about fairly simple ideas (the text even insists it is so – "vieille querelle"). You see the "literary" at work in the phrase "revues autorisées", where poetic license is obviously at work.
David Vaughn Jan 25, 2018:
enquêtes The reviews/magazines are simply "investigating" these issues - bringing them up (again and again, fruitlessly)

Proposed translations

5 hrs

to launch surveys relating to a debate

my take
Peer comment(s):

neutral David Vaughn : much too specific IMO. While you could argue it is following the same sort of overstatement as the original, I think "survey" would tend to make contemporary readers think of sondages, particularly as phrased here..
9 hrs
you can inquire/investigate through surveys
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