Glossary entry

French term or phrase:

mise au point

English translation:

testing and tuning

Added to glossary by Drmanu49
Oct 28, 2011 20:36
13 yrs ago
12 viewers *
French term

mise au point

French to English Tech/Engineering Aerospace / Aviation / Space Solenoid valve test procedures
Plan d’essais du BEVM de mise au point
Plan d'essais de Mise Au Point BEVM

BEVM = MSVB = Motor solenoid valve box.
Question is: Is there any difference between the 2 phrases?

TIA Chris.
Proposed translations (English)
4 testing and tuning
Change log

Nov 6, 2011 09:22: Drmanu49 Created KOG entry


Bashiqa (asker) Oct 28, 2011:
@ Tony I've sent you a mail with drawing.
Tony M Oct 28, 2011:
Ummm... I think we really need to know just what this solenoid valve actually does to the motor (fuel, air, what...?) in order to know just what its action is; could it even be some kind of hydraulic valve, to operate something else (I dunno, like adjusting valve timing or summat...)? What KIND of motor is this (electric, gas turbine, steam, i/c,...?)

I think just what this 'mise au point' activity is is going to be crucial to finding the right term; I did wonder about something like 'peaking', but it all depends just what is going on.
Obviously there are lots of parameters that might be tested, like when the valve opens or closes, how long it is open for, etc.

All so many ifs and buts...

Don't know where you got 'box' from, but I'd be inclined to think it is more of a 'unit' or 'module'??
Bashiqa (asker) Oct 28, 2011:
@ Tony Boitier electro vanne moteur = motor solenoid valve (control) box
Presumably the box needs to be adjusted - microprocesores, timers, etc prior to the box being used to fine tune the motor? Feasible?
Tony M Oct 28, 2011:
Beginning to see a pattern... And yes, Chris, I do think there is a difference in meaning. We don't know what this BEVM is for, but it seems in some way to be used for the 'mise au point' of something else — I can draw a parallel with the focusing motor for a remote-controlled camera, for example.

So it seems to me that the word order 'BEVM de mise au point' is simply describing which type of BEVM it is; whereas the 'essais de mise au point BEVM' seems to be testing just how well the BEVM is doing its 'mise au point' job.
However, I can't go any further than that, having no idea at all what sort of system this might be or why it might involve any form of 'mise au point'.
Bashiqa (asker) Oct 28, 2011:
I suppose it is possible that this has been unintentionally entered into the table twice.
Bashiqa (asker) Oct 28, 2011:
Here are a few other examples:
Spécification d’essais de vibration pour le BEVM de mise au point (SN003)
Plan d’essais du BEVM de mise au point
A paraître
Plan d’Essais de Mise Au Point BEVM
A paraître
Plan d’Essais de Qualification BEVM
A paraître
Plan d’Essais de Qualification EV
Nikki Scott-Despaigne Oct 28, 2011:
Term search / glossaries There are 70 results for this term in the glossaries and archives. As for determining whether there is any difference between the two phrases, with the benefit of fuller context, ther pertinence of the question may become clear. Do you have any more context to inform on any difference which might be salient? In any event, the range of possibilities for the term 'mise au point' is pretty well covered in the glossaries and archives!

Proposed translations

26 mins

testing and tuning

The second sentence is better written, but I don't think any difference is meant.
Something went wrong...
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