Mar 8, 2018 12:47
6 yrs ago
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English term

emotional mind-reading

English Social Sciences Psychology empathy
Hi, I'm not sure about the meaning of "emotional mind-reading" in the passage below.
I've found a definition which makes me think it is the same as "emotional reading", but I'm not sure, because empathy also includes "cognitive empathy"...
Could "emotional mind reading" mean "reading thoughts and emotions"?

Here is a definition I've found:
"adequately socialized individuals are experts in 'emotional (“mind”) reading', i.e. in deciphering even the most subtle expression of others' emotions" - Emotions of Animals and Humans: Comparative Perspectives

Thank you very much for your help!

One of the best ways to help kids care for others is to activate their brain's social engagement system in such a way that they're prepared to view.
situations through the lens of empathy and caring for others. We call this fine-tuning your kids' empathy radar. An active empathy radar helps children notice and attune to other people's minds so they can pick up signals, both verbal and nonverbal. It's a bit like *** emotional mind-reading ***. It might mean simply being more aware of times when they're dominating a conversation, or finding ways to be polite and get along, even when they're in a bad mood. Or it might mean recognizing when when someone else (like maybe their tired parent!) is in a bad mood, then deciding to be more sensitive.


Björn Vrooman Mar 9, 2018:
Thank you, I will. Hope you get some rest too!
haribert (asker) Mar 9, 2018:
Björn, thank you so much! You've been really helpful and kind!
Hopefully we'll get some sleep in the weekend!
Have a nice rest, then!
Björn Vrooman Mar 9, 2018:
No worries--I haven't had much sleep either.

So I hope I break this down correctly:

1) Actual mind reading is this:

Think Vulcan. You can't attain that state. That would mean you're actually in someone's head.

2) One step down:

3) Yours is a bit of a different take on it. It's about what Wiki describes at the beginning of emphatic accuracy:
"In order to accurately infer another's psychological state, one must be able to both share that state (affect sharing), and understand cognitively how to label that state (mentalizing). "

I studied sociology, took an interest in psychology and had some discussions about this. It's arguable whether you can ever reach a state of true empathy. You're inevitably biased because of your own (lack of) experiences. But that's going too much into detail, I think. What the author is talking about in this paragraph is that children need to be observing other people closely, gather clues about these people's current emotional states, think back to what they have been taught and experienced and respond accordingly. The next generation of counsellors, I guess.
haribert (asker) Mar 9, 2018:
Thanks Björn for your links! Maybe it's because I'm a little tired, but I'm not sure I've understood correctly...
Mind includes emotions, thoughts, sensation... So "emotional mind reading" is the ability to understand the mind of another person from their emotions and subtle emotional expressions, or simply means "understanding his thoughts and emotions"?

Thanks for your patience..
Björn Vrooman Mar 9, 2018:
Hello haribert Ah, OK. I, for one, don't see it as "technical"; it's more like the author combined two words--emotional + mind reading (usually thought of as an actual ability to know what people are thinking)--to make the reader familiar with the concept of "mind reading" to mean "emphatic accuracy." I wouldn't consider this unusual for popular science books--if this is one.

"'Mindsight' or 'empathic accuracy' is the seemingly magical ability to map someone's mental terrain from their words, emotions, and body language. Those on the autism spectrum or those afflicted with psychotic disorders struggle mightily to read minds."

It's actually much less technical than the second term I mentioned above:


haribert (asker) Mar 9, 2018:
Hi, Björn actually, the authors refer to emotional and social intelligence in other parts of the book. What strikes me is the use of a seemingly "technical" and not so widespread expression like "emotional mind reading" in a book aimed at the general public...
Björn Vrooman Mar 9, 2018:
@haribert I thought it was an allusion to this here:

I think a decade ago, or maybe two decades ago, you were able to go to a bookstore and get tons of those kinds of books. I think the "in crowd" has moved on.



50 mins

detecting and interpreting the emotional underpinnings of subtle cues in others' overt behavior

This seems to clearly be the meaning of the phrase here.

In other words, the phrase seems similar, but not identical to, "emotional reading." The difference seems to reside in the higher level of inference involved in "emotional mind reading" (i.e., recognizing subtle cues and then formulating hypotheses as to their "deep meaning" for the individual in question with a respectable degree of accuracy, and with minimal or no objective evidence to support said hypotheses).
Note from asker:
Thank you so much, Robert, for your help!
Peer comment(s):

agree Björn Vrooman : Here's EQ (based on EI) and "emotional reading" in one sentence: I suppose emphatic accuracy was too technical and the author cobbled together words to make the concept more relatable.
23 hrs
This sounds right to me also. Thank you, Bjorn.
agree acetran
6 days
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you so much, Robert, for your help! Many thanks also to Bjorn! Have a nice week!"
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