Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

abdominal pain quickly improved

English answer:

the patient's pain eased/became less quickly

Added to glossary by Thayenga
Dec 8, 2010 13:23
13 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

abdominal pain quickly improved

English Medical Medical (general)
What does the author mean? Increase of pain intensity or quick improve of the patient state? I'm a little confused. This is a document issued by Rush University Medical Center, Oncology; 19-year-old young man who was treated for localized osteosarcoma of his left hip; Interval History: He had a liver biopsy prior to surgery due to abnormal liver tests. Post op he had pleuritic chest pain and shoulder pain, but was ruled out for PE, and found to have biliary sludge (...) He was discharged on XX, but returned the next day due to abdominal pain that quickly improved. He was treated with levofloxacin for 7 days and given Flomax due to another episode of urinary retention. (...) His hearing loss has improved and his mood, energy, and appetite have improved.(...)
Change log

Dec 22, 2010 05:59: Thayenga Created KOG entry

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Non-PRO (1): Cilian O'Tuama

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Veronika McLaren Dec 8, 2010:
I would agree with Ellen: had the pain rapidly disappeared, why would the doctor prescribe 7 days worth of medication?
Ellen Kraus Dec 8, 2010:
If the patient returned owing to pain, the author can only have meant that the pain quickly got worse. had it lessened, he certainly would not have returned. that´s why I take it that it should read "owing to a rapid aggravation of his abdominal pain. or rapidly becoming worse.
meirs Dec 8, 2010:
Reminds me of a joke Doctor: Your cough improved today
Patient: I rehearsed all night last night
Jonathan MacKerron Dec 8, 2010:
isn't pain always from the patient's point of view??
meirs Dec 8, 2010:
Doctors lingo improve from patients's point of view - not from that of the pain itself


13 mins

the patient's pain eased/became less quickly

Peer comment(s):

agree Jack Doughty
32 mins
Thank you, jack.
agree B D Finch : Eased or reduced but not "became less".
52 mins
It was just an option. Thank you.
agree liz askew : agree with B D Finch
1 hr
Thank you, Liz.
agree CHEN-Ling
2 hrs
Thank you, Yang Min.
agree eski
7 hrs
Thank you, eski. Saludos!
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
1 min

the abdominal pain improved

That is, the intensity of the pain quickly (and, probably, spontaneously) decreased.
Peer comment(s):

agree Tina Vonhof (X) : Plain and simple. I don't see what the asker's problem is.
2 hrs
Something went wrong...
12 mins

rapidly increasing abdominal pain

Since the patient had had to return to the hospital there should not be any other reason except for detorioration of his health status, which means his abdominal pain had increased which was needed to be treated with lavofloxacin whatever...
Peer comment(s):

disagree B D Finch : A good demonstration of how a rational approach can be totally, linguistically wrong.
51 mins
disagree liz askew : It means the opposite
1 hr
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