Feb 11, 2016 21:11
8 yrs ago
English term

collision and superimposition of signifiers?

Homework / test English Social Sciences Linguistics semiotics
I have got a question that has something to do with semiotics.

The following is a paragraph taken from David Holmes' Communication Theory. I could not understand what he meant by saying collision and superimposition of signifiers?

"By allowing the construction of oppositional subjectivities hitherto excluded from the public sphere, the Internet’s inherently decentralized form is heralded as its most significant feature – allowing the collision and superimposition of signifiers and semiotic worlds in which the some sense of an authoritative meaning – a logos or a grand narrative – can no longer be sustained"

Thanks in advance


1 day 15 hrs

too many signifiers clashing and trying to prevail over one another

I have found it quite hard to follow the short paragraph and asked my native friends to help me. Although, they also found it hard to grasp the real meaning of what is being said.
The idea that we got is that "there are too many signifiers/icons/symbols used on the net and they all clash and try to prevail over one another without providing clear meanings." I hope this helps.
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agree acetran
1 hr
agree Harry Crawford
23 days
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