Feb 18, 2023 10:43
1 yr ago
27 viewers *
English term

whether he shall allow

English Other General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
For instance, many of you have worried about the kind of books your children should read. On what basis should we choose the books? Should it be on the basis of the language it uses, the punctuation it has, the message it has? What should be the basis of your choice? Well understanding Christianity, I say the decision must be based upon that which is found in the things that we believe in. Take for instance the question of medicine. You send your boy to medical school and the moral questions which he address himself to - whether he shall allow life to die, whether he should struggle to keep them alive, what things he should do under what circumstances - how should he make that decision?


Is she talking about euthanasia? Thank you for clearing it up for me.
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Feb 18, 2023 10:43: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"

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Paul Ryan Feb 18, 2023:
I think it's a reference to the basic medical obligations to do no harm and not to strive officiously to keep alive, which in practice translates to eg the Liverpool pathway, which is not euthanasia as such - it's more like saying there is no further point in trying to extend this life


35 mins

Let a living being die

Whether he/she will let a living being die

It is like the opposite of saving someone from dying.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
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