May 13 19:31
4 mos ago
50 viewers *
English term


English Medical Biology (-tech,-chem,micro-) synchrony
Dear colleagues, I’m not sure about the meaning of “nested” in the following sentences. I’ve seen some Kudoz but I don’t know whether in this context “nested” might mean “hierarchical” or maybe, in a more general sense, “concatenated”? The text is about interpersonal synchrony.
Thank you so much for your help!
Here are the occurrences:

1) Within humans, emergent self-organization works through *** nested time scales *** that operate simultaneously at multiple levels of development: how the genetic code gets implemented from a simple set of underlying nucleotides; how cell differentiation occurs in the zygote; how various organ systems emerge and begin to coordinate in the developing fetus; how hormones and neurotransmitters get released into the brain and bloodstream throughout life; and how the autonomic nervous system regulates emotional arousal while interacting with others.

2) Yet, from a neural perspective, there appears to be little difference between transmission of information between two areas within a single brain and transmission of information between two individuals. This makes sense given how important neural synchrony is in the development of cortical networks within a single brain in the first place. On the one hand, information is communicated from one part of the brain to another via ** nested frequencies ***, such as higher-frequency gamma waves that sync up with the lower-frequency theta band.


@Haribert Thank you Haribert! Yes, I've also been told several times that hearing is the last sense to go and I believe it's true, I was glad I got there in time to hold her hand.
I'd been in Spain the previous 2 weeks so the timing was particularly good. I miss her but she was having a pretty rough time over the past year so at least she is out of pain now. Thanks again.
haribert (asker) May 20:
Dear Yvonne, I’m so sorry for your sister... Luckily you’re there with her... I think it’s important, although she was unconscious, because maybe some of her senses were still able to perceive something... When my mom died, I was also with her and one of the nurses told me that hearing, for instance, was the last sense to be “disabled” ... Maybe she told me that only out of kindness, but I think it is important also for us, as children or siblings, to be there in that moment, so as to not leave our beloved alone...
Thank you so much for sharing your experience... A big big hug!
@Haribert Offtopic, on a sad note.
You were kind enough to ask about my sister a few times.Sadly she passed away, quickly and quietly, and also unexpectedly, on 1 May. RIP
Fortuneatly, one of my brothers and I had got there about 40 minutes beforehand though she was unconscious at that stage. She was cremated 7 May.
Her death cert will probably give cause as COPD as her breathing was bad and they had to stop giving her oxygen since it wasn't working any more. Too many ciggies in her life.
@Haribert Yes, I was lucky to be able to travel when I did, pre terrorism threats. I was working on a Canadian ship that brought grain from Hamburg to Leningrad in 1981/82 so we were treated as workers rather than tourists and could basically go anywhere without escorts. I was there in the cold of Jan, then took time off as I was overdue leave, and was back for another visit in April. Around 23 days in total in port. Got to speak with lots of Russians. At that time Russia was waging war in Afghanistan and the people I spoke with thought it was a bad idea but couldn't protest.
haribert (asker) May 15:
Thank you so much, Ana, for your contribution! "Living matrioska" is really cute!
Ana Taraborelli May 15:
Nested times scales I agree with the sense of "Chinese boxes". The text mentions "mechanisms" that are occurring at the same time in the human body. From the most simple one, where a molecule of protein is being produced ("genetic code gets implemented from a simple set of underlying nucleotides"), to more "complicated interactions" (the nervous system and the human-to-human interactions). We are "living matrioskas": systems, organs, tissues, cells, molecules.
haribert (asker) May 15:
Dear colleagues, thank you so much for your help! Daryo's observation about Yvonne's answer has made me think that maybe "nested" is used in the sense of "Chinese boxes" or "matrioska"...


15 hrs


I think the term "nested" has the meaning of "embedded" here

See below

"...The behavior of a system is an emergent product of multiple components interacting through time, interactions that are context dependent.
Self-organization is related to a collection of additional DST concepts. Systems organize into what are called attractor states, which are ways in which the components of a system reliably interact (e.g., crawling, walking, and running are different attractor states for locomotion).
Systems are historical, which means that their organization in an attractor state in the moment biases them to revisit those attractor states at a future point in time (Spencer & Perone, 2008).
These states become increasingly stable through experience, which means that they are resistant to perturbations from internal and external forces.
Systems are open to the environment, which means that external forces can shift the components of a system into a new way of interacting, which can often be nonlinear.

The last foundational concept is the nesting of timescales. The timescale of neural firing is nested within the timescale of cognition, which is nested within the timescale of behavior over learning and development. The strong claim of DST is that these timescales create each other
Consider a prevalent example from developmental science. Typically, we study children's behavior in the lab at one point in time and then at another point in time. This provides good insight into developmental differences. Developmental change, however, happens in between lab visits via massive quantities of real-time processes that occur across multiple levels. How do the neural processes, brain-wide dynamics, and movement that are involved in the behavioral decisions children make on a daily basis create developmental change? This is a central challenge for DST.

Note added at 3 days 3 hrs (2024-05-16 22:38:05 GMT)

I like the idea of Russian dolls as it does give the image of "nesting within". Each has its own place

Note added at 3 days 3 hrs (2024-05-16 22:42:09 GMT)

oops, you said Chinese boxes while I was thinking of Russian dolls (which I bought many years ago for small nieces in Leningrad, now St Petersburg)

Note added at 4 days (2024-05-18 10:23:42 GMT) Post-grading

Glad to have helped
Note from asker:
Thank you so much, Yvonne, for your valuable contribution!
Dear Yvonne, you're not mistaken... I used the word "matrioska" (we use this in Italian), so maybe it's not so straightforward in English... How lucky you were to have been able to travel there!
Peer comment(s):

agree Daryo : or to put it in another way lower order of magnitude timescales are subdivisions of larger order of magnitude timescales, like smaller boxes within bigger boxes.
9 hrs
Thanks! Well it may be hierarchical with subdivisions but these nested timescales relate to syncrony so may also be "concatenated" i.e. interconnections and interactions. i.e. with links between the nested timescales
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you so much, Yvonne, for your valuable help! Many many thanks also to all other colleagues for their contributions! have a nice weekend!"
4 mins


In both of these contexts, "nested" refers to a hierarchical structure or organization.

In the first sentence, "nested time scales" implies that there are different levels or layers of time scales that are intricately connected or embedded within each other. Each level operates within its own time frame, but they are interconnected and influence each other. For example, the time scale of genetic code implementation operates within the time scale of cell differentiation, which operates within the time scale of organ system emergence, and so on.
In the second sentence, "nested frequencies" suggests a similar hierarchical structure, but this time in the context of neural activity. Different frequencies of neural oscillations (e.g., gamma waves, theta waves) are nested within each other, meaning that some frequencies are embedded within others. For example, gamma waves may synchronize with the slower theta waves, creating a nested relationship between the frequencies.
So, in both cases, "nested" refers to a concept of elements or scales being organized within larger or smaller elements or scales, forming a hierarchical or nested structure.
Note from asker:
Thank you so much, Gabriel, for your valuable help!
Hi, may I ask whether your answer is taken from Chatgpt?
Peer comment(s):

neutral philgoddard : If this is CheatGPT, you should say so.
6 hrs
neutral Chris Says Bye : Just what I was thinking. God help us when it starts writing like a human.
11 hrs
neutral Cilian O'Tuama : Some real people DO notice. (I like phil's 'cheat', if people try to sell it as their own.)
16 hrs
disagree Daryo : Is this your writing? The style looks suspiciously familiar ... Taking the trouble to rephrase it in your own words too much to ask?
1 day 1 hr
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Reference comments

35 mins

nested hierarchy

This idea of groups within groups is what is known as a nested hierarchy. Biological evolution posits that all organisms have descended from ...

Note added at   41 min (2024-05-13 20:13:49 GMT)

Note added at   44 min (2024-05-13 20:16:47 GMT)
Note from asker:
Thank you so much, Liz!
Peer comments on this reference comment:

agree Chantale Flentge
12 hrs
agree Daryo
1 day 36 mins
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