Mar 17, 2003 01:46
21 yrs ago
English term

Their campaign to get me into the recreation room ended in my playing a game of

Non-PRO English Art/Literary
When Dolores was in mental hospital

I sometimes dole out the progress to them, then snatched it back again.
(One Saturday morning I capped off a good week by burning the insides of my thighs with lighted cigarette. Their campaign to get me into the recreation room ended in my playing a game of monopoly, then biting my hand hard enough to require inside stiches.)

I don’t understand the sentence that’s in the parenthesis. Don’t know how to separate the sentence.

1) One Saturday morning I capped off a good week by burning the insides of my thighs with lighted cigarette. - it does not have anything to do with the following sentence?

2) Their campaign to get me into the recreation room ended in my playing a game of monopoly, then biting my hand hard enough to require inside stiches. ------ They try to get me into the recreation room -- when I was in the recreation room and playing monopoly --- I bite my had hard enough to require inside stiches.?


6 mins

See explanation

The sentences are all examples of "I sometimes doled out the progress to them, then snatched it back again."

First example: One Saturday morning I capped off a good week by burning the insides of my thighs with lighted cigarette.

Second example: Their campaign to get me into the recreation room ended in my playing a game of monopoly, then biting my hand hard enough to require inside stiches.

Sometimes I gave them what they were looking for: progress. In other words I did things that displayed "normal" behavior."
Then snatched it back again - then I did things that were the opposite of progress.

Note added at 2003-03-17 01:57:12 (GMT)

She gave them signs of progress when she had a good week then she took away the signs of progress when she burned herself with a cigarette.

When she played monopoly she was giving them signs of progress. But then she took away (snatched away) the signs of progress when she bit her hand.
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agree Refugio
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30 mins

examples of abnormal behavior

cap off: to complete with something just as good or better. She had we she described as "a good week" (by her standards). The burning of her inner thighs with cigarettes was like the frosting on the cake, the crowning achievement.

Their campaign: their continual, concerted effort.

Remember this is the behavior of a mental patient. There is nothing resembling normality here, so if it seems all weird, it is supposed to be.

The two sentences "One Saturday morning, . . . " and "Their campaign. . ." are not really connected. They are just two examples given back to back about her behavior pattern.

I assume that at the time she is recounting these experiences, she is much saner.

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1 hr

their efforts to take me to the recreation room produced the result of me playing a game of monopol

As a further explanation:
Dolores explains how she sabotaged herself by hurting herself in different ways after a period of apparent recovery.
Burning thighs and biting hand were ways by which she was saying "I am not well" although she looked as if she could have been.
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