English term
This "furnish", containing 99% water or more, is pumped into the headbox of the paper machine. From the headbox, the furnish is dispensed through a long, narrow "slice" onto the "wire", a moving continuous belt of wire or plastic mesh. (bulkmsm.com - Karl Loren)
If the process water is allowed to cycle up with contaminants and ink, the more difficult it is to produce clean, bright, good quality furnish. Getting these materials out of the mill system always improves the quality of the process water, which will further improve the production of quality recycled furnish and will reduce effluent loadings. (RISI, Inc.)
With better grades of paper, care is taken to produce a furnish that is chemically neutral (pH 7 on the acid-base scale). For a paper to have long life, it must be acid-free. (Net Industries and its Licensors)
5 | vlakninska sestava (masa, snov, snovna sestava, vlakninski vnos, vnos) | Tjasa Kuerpick |
Nov 2, 2009 14:55: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"
Nov 2, 2009 15:00: changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"
Nov 5, 2009 16:00: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Selection"
Proposed translations
vlakninska sestava (masa, snov, snovna sestava, vlakninski vnos, vnos)
Vlakninska sestava - za izdelavo papirja in kartona se lahko uporabljajo leprimarna celulozna vlakna beljene celuloze iz lesa ali enoletnih rastlin (bombaž, lan) oziroma mešanica teh vrst vlaken. (Inštitut za celulozo in papir, M. Čern)
Vse izdelke iz skupine vrednostnih in zaščitenih papirjev odlikujejo visoka mehanska trdnost, trajnost ter odpornost proti obrabi in drugim zunanjim vplivom. Za doseganje kakovostnih lastnosti je pomemben izbor vlakninske sestave, ki se prilagaja namenu uporabe končnega izdelka. (Radeče papir)
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