Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
accounts payable clerk
Slovenian translation:
računovodski referent za obveznosti
Added to glossary by
Jan Friderik Grant
Nov 5, 2013 19:55
11 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term
accounts payable (clerk)
English to Slovenian
Finance (general)
Izraz "accounts payable" se pojavlja kot prejšnja zaposlitev v CV-ju, najbrž v smislu "accounts payable clerk", torej morda referent za obveznosti ali kaj podobnega.
Opis nalog:
"Responsible for purchase ledger activities, multicurrency invoices, payments, communication with creditors, expense runs, bank reconciliations, cash-flow forecast and prepayments.
Liaised with various departments to ensure that accounting information was relevant and reliable, particularly in regards to authorisation of purchase invoices.
In absence of team members, overtook responsibilities of sales ledger, credit control and petty cash."
Opis nalog:
"Responsible for purchase ledger activities, multicurrency invoices, payments, communication with creditors, expense runs, bank reconciliations, cash-flow forecast and prepayments.
Liaised with various departments to ensure that accounting information was relevant and reliable, particularly in regards to authorisation of purchase invoices.
In absence of team members, overtook responsibilities of sales ledger, credit control and petty cash."
Proposed translations
4 | računovodski referent za obveznosti | Tomi Dobaj |
4 | Računovodja zadolžen za obveznosti do dobaviteljev | Lirka |
Proposed translations
9 hrs
računovodski referent za obveznosti
Vsekakor "referent", torej le "delni" ali računovodja za določeno področje.
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
17 mins
Računovodja zadolžen za obveznosti do dobaviteljev
ali pa "dejaven v racunovodstvu, zadolzen za obveznosti do dobaviteljev", glede na kontekst ( ali je ta oseba racunovodja po izobrazbi, ali pa je bil samo dejaven v racunovodski sluzbi)
Note added at 17 mins (2013-11-05 20:12:59 GMT)
oh, pa se ena vejica manjka med racunovodja in zadolzen!
Note added at 17 mins (2013-11-05 20:12:59 GMT)
oh, pa se ena vejica manjka med racunovodja in zadolzen!
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