Mar 29, 2010 13:58
14 yrs ago
3 viewers *
English term

surround session

GBK English to Slovak Marketing Advertising / Public Relations
Definition from Crucial Marketing:
Advertising sequence in which a visitor receives ads from one advertiser throughout an entire site visit.
Example sentences:
Although a surround session actually continues until the user leaves the site, said it plans to package and sell sessions using a minimum of five pages' worth of ads. (Incisive Interactive Marketing LLC)
The focus of Surround Sessions is to expose a user to the messaging of an exclusive advertiser for an extended period of time, in an effort to improve advertising efficiency. (Dynamic Logic Inc.)
A surround session is "triggered" when the user hits an agreed page, and then for the next 6-8 pages that user sees only advertising from one advertiser. (The Guardian)
Change log

Mar 29, 2010 13:41: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"

Mar 29, 2010 13:58: changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"

Apr 1, 2010 15:02: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Selection"

Apr 28, 2010 14:58:

May 28, 2010 14:57:

Proposed translations

2 hrs

Doprovodná relácia

Definition from own experience or research:
Doprovodná relácia, pri ktorej sa návštevník stránky dostáva k postupnosti reklám od jedného inzerenta.
Example sentences:
Zaručovaný počet prezretí stránky počas doprovodnej relácie závisí od toho, čo si návštevník praje kúpiť a tiež od toho, čo je inzerent schopný ponúknuť. (Wikipedia)
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33 days

Sprievodná reklama ´Surround Session´

Názov tohto modelu sprievodnej reklamy by som ponechal nepreložený.
Definition from own experience or research:
Postupná, cielená inzercia, kedy návštevník stránky dostáva reklamy od jedného zadávateľa počas celkovej návštevy na stránke.
Example sentences:
The process, known as "surround sessions," involve a user receiving ads from a single advertiser, for the entire duration of their visit to the site. (
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