Glossary entry

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Serbo-Croat translation:


Added to glossary by Mira Stepanovic
Oct 16, 2013 13:04
11 yrs ago
12 viewers *
English term


English to Serbo-Croat Tech/Engineering Textiles / Clothing / Fashion piling
Fabric pilling is the formation of small, fuzzy balls on the surface of a fabric. It detracts from the appearance of the fabric, making it look old and worn, and it is often difficult to restore a garment with fabric pilling to its original condition. Certain types of fibers and weaves are more prone to fabric pilling than others, but it is often a normal part of wear and tear.

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Proposed translations (Serbo-Croat)
4 +2 piling
Change log

Feb 6, 2014 09:15: Mira Stepanovic changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/44071">Gordana Podvezanec's</a> old entry - "piling"" to ""piling""

Proposed translations

2 hrs


pillen (Deutsch) piling (SH) pilling (EN) - ref. Trojezični r. sa terminologijom iz tekstilne tehnologije

Tekstilno-tehnološki fakultet, Zagreb:
Otpornost na habanje: metoda po Schopperu – kružno habanje s tangencijalnim smjerom
Otpornost na piling ICI (Original Hanaus)
Otpornost na piling ICI Zweigle
Propusnost zraka konvencionalni i tehnički tekstil

V. ovde tablicu "Tests for textile fabrics" na str. 14:
pilling testing
ICI, Modifikation Hoechst
random tumble pilling test (RTPT)
Martindale mod.
Procesi apreture vune, krabovanje, valjkanje, dekatura.
Termički procesi kondenzacija. Termofiksiranje sintetičkih materijala. Piling.
Procesi suhe apreture. Mehaničke obrade protiv skupljanja pamučnih tkanina i pletiva.

Note added at 2 hrs (2013-10-16 15:35:34 GMT)

Tehnološko-metalurški fakultet, Beograd:
Katedra za tekstilno inženjerstvo
Predmet: Ispitivanje tekstila
Fond časova: 3+2
Semestar VII
• ABRAZIONA SVOJSTVA. Ispitivanje abrazione otpornosti pređa i tekstilnih površina. Piling tekstilnih površina.

Note added at 3 hrs (2013-10-16 16:14:09 GMT)

Institut za standardizaciju Srbije:
Tekstil - Određivanje sklonosti površinskom stvaranju dlačica i pilingu na tekstilnim površinama - Deo 2: Modifikovana metoda po Martindalu
Textiles - Determination of fabric propensity to surface fuzzing and to pilling - Part 2: Modified Martindale method (ISO 12945-2:2000)
Peer comment(s):

agree Olivera R : Изгледа да је тако. Мени су до сада биле познате као ''грудвице''.
6 hrs
agree Maja Jovanovic : Ja sam u još nekim stručnim tekstovima naišla samo na ovaj izraz.
21 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "hvala"
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