Apr 17, 2011 13:16
13 yrs ago
7 viewers *
English term

account assignment

English to Serbian Bus/Financial SAP
During planning process the following needs to be clarified & maintained in the system:
1. Exact position name
2. Job definition of the position
3. Position relationship to Line Mgr/ Org Unit
4. Start date
5. Position/Job entitlements
6. Planned compensation
7. Planned working time of the position
8. Account assignment of the position
9. Work Schedule of the position
10. Relationship to Budgeting Object

kao i kod prethodnog pitanja (navela sam isti deo teksta, mada se pojavljuje na dosta mesta) - nisam poznavalac SAP-a, pa ne znam kako bih ovo srocila - dodela naloga?

imam jos i npr. absence account management, "Cost centre records are created in Controlling and are transferred to HR ERP to be used for account assignment" i sl.

hvala :)

Proposed translations

3 hrs

raspodela naloga (po poziciji)

http://www.biznisoft.com/PDF uputstva/uputstvo-BS-finan.pdf

Note added at 3 hrs (2011-04-17 16:46:14 GMT)


Note added at 3 hrs (2011-04-17 16:46:49 GMT)

Funkcija omogućava raspodelu pozicija naloga za knjiženje
Note from asker:
hvala :)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
1 day 3 hrs

dodela mesta troska

Dodeljivanje mesta troska se koristi da bi se detaljnije definisalo radno mesto i odeljenje prilikom zaposljavanja osobe i na taj nacin, koriscenjem troskovnih centara mogu se pratiti troskovi svih aktivnosti unutar svakog odeljenja.
Dodeljivanje mesta troska je hijerarhijsko. Ako organizacioni deo nižeg hijerarhijskog nivoa nema dodeljeno mesto troska, tada ce mu biti dodeljeno mesto troska organizacionog dela viseg nivoa, dok odgovarajuca vrednost ne bude odredjena. Za pojedinacno radno mesto, ako mu mesto troska nije dodeljeno, bice mu dodeljeno mesto troska organizacionog dela kome pripada.

Note added at 2 days18 hrs (2011-04-20 07:54:00 GMT) Post-grading

Bez obzira sto moj prevod nije prihvacen, moram napomenuti da osim linkova koje sam navela, prevod sam dobila od osobe koja radi sa tom problematikom, tako da je prevod 100% tacan.
Example sentence:

Account assignment feature is used to default position, job and department while hiring a person and accordingly, by using cost center we can capture funds for each activity of each department.

For a position, if the cost center is not assigned, it will be assigned the cost center of the unit to which the position belongs.

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Reference comments

9 hrs

Account assignmenet category - Position Creation

Account assignmenet category - Definition
The account assignment category determines which account assignment details are required for the item (for example, cost center or account)
http://wiki.sdn.sap.com/wiki/display/ERPSCM/account assignme...

Position Creation
To establish a new position & determine the classification– The Line Manager may identify an existing position that is comparable and use its position description as a base OR use the Position Design Guide to define the role, responsibilities and scope of the position to be established.

ERP (enterprise resource planning) is an industry term for the broad set of activities that helps a business manage the important parts of its business. The information made available through an ERP system provides visibility for key performance indicators (KPIs) required for meeting corporate objectives. ERP software applications can be used to manage product planning, parts purchasing, inventories, interacting with suppliers, providing customer service, and tracking orders. ERP can also include application modules for the finance and human resources aspects of a business.

Pošto je u pitanju HR ERP, trebalo bi da se radi o radnim mestima koja imaju mesto troška (kao komercijalisti koji imaju svoj account, tako da svaki mesec znaju svoj "profit & loss" account), a *absence account* bi mogla da budu radna mesta u tzv. režiji.
Peer comments on this reference comment:

agree Vuk Vujosevic
18 hrs
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