Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

influence quantity

Serbian translation:

uticajna veličina

Jun 19, 2009 13:26
15 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

influence quantity

GBK English to Serbian Tech/Engineering Metrology
Definition from
Quantity that is not the measurand but that affects the result of the measurement. EXAMPLES: a) temperature of a micrometer used to measure length; b) frequency in the measurement of the amplitude of an alternating electric potential difference.
Example sentences:
The effect of an influence quantity on the measurement process is an interference that generates a systematic error. In clinical chemistry, depending on the molecular entity responsible for an interference, influence quantities may be classified as endogenous or exogenous. (Clinical Chemistry)
This means that there has to be a specified relationship between the influence quantities and the measurand. This relationship is known as the mathematical model. This is an equation that describes how each influence quantity affects the value assigned to the measurand. (
By using the measurement model built to approximately compute the sensitivity coefficient that reflects the uncertainty propagating law of each influence quantity, it is possible to evaluate the result of indirect measurement and its uncertainties. (CAT.INIST)
Proposed translations (Serbian)
5 +2 uticajna veličina
Change log

Jun 19, 2009 13:24: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"

Jun 19, 2009 13:26: Enrique Cavalitto changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"

Jun 22, 2009 13:57: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Completion"


Natasa Djurovic Jun 21, 2009:
Hvala na objasnjenju Miro, nisam znala da u explanation polju moze da ide bilo koji link. Bolje je da proverim hvala :)
Mira Stepanovic Jun 21, 2009:
Objašnjenje Evo pogledajte molim vas:
The following criteria define a good answer:
Term, definition and example sentences are in the target language.
• Term is in glossary form and is a good translation of source term.
• Both source and target definitions define the same concepts.
• Sources are defined by meaningful names and working links.
• Relevant example sentences taken from diverse sources
Suština je u tome da sve što ostaje vidljivo u glosaru bude na ciljnom jeziku.
Mira Stepanovic Jun 21, 2009:
Aha sada vidim! Ako mislite na link u 'explanation' polju - to polje nije obuhvaćeno navedenim pravilima. Nije vidljivo u glosaru tako da u njemu može da se navodi sve što pomaže da se pojasni termin :).
Mira Stepanovic Jun 21, 2009:
Hvala Nataša Molila bih vas da mi ukažete na koji ste link mislili, koliko ja vidim svi tekstovi su na srpskom jeziku. Ukoliko grešim, odmah ću ispraviti. Unapred zahvaljujem.
Natasa Djurovic Jun 21, 2009:
influence quantity Miro mislim da ste prekrsili pravilo na koje ste nas Vi upucivali: da link mora biti na srpskom nikako na hrvatskom. Slazem se sa Vasim odgovorom, ali mislim da link na hrvatskom nije adekvatan, mozda gresim!

Proposed translations

2 hrs

uticajna veličina
Utjecajna veličina (influence quantity) – veličina koja nije mjerena veličina, ali utječe na mjerni rezultat
Definition from
Uticajna veličina je veličina koja nije predmet merenja, ali koja utiče na vrednost merene veličine ili na pokazivanje merila ili na vrednost materijalizovane mere koja reprodukuje veličinu.
Example sentences:
Na osnovu uticajnih veličina na proces proizvodnje, u radu se analiziraju aktivnosti koje prethode uvođenju automatizacije i diskutuje o mnogim preliminarnim i praktičnim postupcima poboljšanja industrijske proizvodnje. Navedeni faktori definišu uslove za uvođenje automatizacije tehnoloških procesa proizvodnje. (SCIndeks)
Uticajne veličine označene sa " * ", u tabeli 1, moguće je relativno lako korigovati-smanjiti i tako doprineti smanjenju ukupne merne nesigurnosti metode. (Tehnički opitni centar)
Za određivanje varijacija pokazivanja X-Y pisača važe uticajne veličine, granice nazivnog opsega upotrebe i dozvoljene varijacije izražene u procentima od oznake klase, date u tabeli 2. (WebPropisi)
Peer comment(s):

agree Natasa Djurovic
1 day 17 hrs
Hvala Nataša!
agree V&M Stanković
2 days 3 hrs
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