Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

weep hole

Serbian translation:

odvodni/prokapni otvor

Added to glossary by Katarina Delic
Oct 8, 2008 19:36
16 yrs ago
4 viewers *
English term

weep hole

English to Serbian Tech/Engineering Mechanics / Mech Engineering vodovi goriva
Excessive Leakage from the Unit Injector
Tip or Breakage of the Unit Injector Tip
Look for signs of damage to the unit injectors. If
necessary, repair the unit injectors or replace the unit

Cracked Fuel Supply Manifold
Look for signs of damage to the fuel supply manifold.

Leaking Fuel Transfer Pump Seal
Ensure that the weep hole is not plugged. If
necessary, repair the fuel transfer pump or replace
the fuel transfer pump.

Termin koji meni treba je u 3. pasusu, ali prva dva će možda pomoći u razumevanju. Uglavnom se radi o prisustvu curenja na nekom delu, i onda, u ovom 3. pasusu, se pojavljuje 'make sure that the weep hole is not plugged' što mi uopšte nije logično. Ako je to otvor za curenje ili prolaz, onda bi prevod bio 'uverite se da otvor za curenje nije zapušen', a ne znam da li to može biti razlog za curenje zaptivke na pumpi za dovod goriva.

Proposed translations

22 mins

odvodni/prokapni otvor

weep hole - odvodni otvor, prorez, prokapni otvor
ref. Naučno-tehnički rečnik, R. Popoić, ...

U principu funkcija je da omogući odvođenje viška tečnosti; ako je taj otvor zatvoren, višak tečnosti verovatno izaziva curenje na nekom drugom mestu
Peer comment(s):

agree Ljiljana Krstic : tacno, evo ovjasnjenja istog u gradjevinarstvu> hole/en-sr/
3 mins
Hvala Ljiljana!
agree Natasa Djurovic
41 mins
Hvala Nataša!
agree Larisa Djuvelek-Ruggiero (X)
2 days 3 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Hvala puno!"
28 mins

otvor za kontrolu curenja (zaptivenosti)

Vaše rešenje, "otvor za curenje", dobro je, ali bi bolje reći "otvor za kontrolu curenja (zaptivenosti) jer u normalnoj situaciji kroz otvor ništa ne curi. Evo i objašnjenja sa date Internet reference:

Previous pump seal assemblies have typically used one or two neoprene seals
that are press-fit into an aperture in a housing wall. Different types of
fluid are thereby isolated across opposed faces of the wall. In the case
where two neoprene seals are utilized, these may be spaced apart along the
length of the shaft to define a cavity therebetween, and the housing wall
may have a vent opening that communicates between the outside atmosphere
and the cavity. This vent opening is also known as a weep hole, because it
is possible to see liquid pouring out of the hole after one of the seals
has failed. In the dual-deal system, one of the seals may prevent fuel
from communicating with the vent hole, and the other seal may prevent
lubricating oil from and accessory drive mechanism from communicating with
the vent hole. It is typically assumed that the seal assembly is
completely intact unless liquid is visibly present at the exterior weep
hole, since the pumps typically operate with fuel circulated in contact
with the seal for cooling purposes at positive internal pressures ranging
between about 3 to 5 psig.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Mira Stepanovic : Izvinite, koliko ja shvatam, a to se jasno vidi i iz teksta koji ste ponudili, otvor ne kontroliše curenje, već samo omugućava odvođenje viška tečnosti kad popusti zaptivač.
32 mins
Otvor ne može da kontroliše curenje, ali služi da mehaničar otkrije curenje, tj. to je "kontrolni otvor za proveru curenja". Višak goriva bi se odvodio povratnim vodom koji reguliše ventil. Kada popusti zaptivač, tečnost se gubi i pumpa mora da se menja.
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