Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
office of profit under the Crown
Serbian translation:
funkcija (položaj, službenik, nosilac funkcije) od interesa Krune
Added to glossary by
Milena Taylor
Jun 26, 2015 10:43
9 yrs ago
3 viewers *
English term
office of profit under the Crown
English to Serbian
Social Sciences
As for corruption it was probably no greater than in the early ninteteenth century, when governments such as the British had shared out the correctly named "offices of profit under the Crown" and lucrative sinecures among their kinsmen and dependants.
Proposed translations
3 | funkcija (položaj, službenik, nosilac funkcije) od interesa Krune | Milena Taylor |
Change log
Jul 4, 2015 11:35: Milena Taylor Created KOG entry
Proposed translations
1 hr
funkcija (položaj, službenik, nosilac funkcije) od interesa Krune
An office of profit is a term used in a number of national constitutions to refer to executive appointments. A number of countries forbid members of the legislature from accepting an office of profit under the executive as a means to secure the independence of the legislature and preserve the separation of powers.
No person who has an office under the monarch, or receives a pension from the Crown, can be a Member of Parliament (MP). This provision was inserted to avoid unwelcome royal influence over the House of Commons. It remains in force, but with several exceptions. (As a side effect, this provision means that MPs seeking to resign from parliament can get round the age-old prohibition on resignation by obtaining a sinecure in the control of the Crown; while several offices have historically been used for this purpose, two are currently in use: appointments generally alternate between the stewardships of the Chiltern Hundreds and of the Manor of Northstead.[10])
Državni službenik ne može biti član donjeg doma (izmijenjeno 1706.; ako član Donjeg doma primi položaj ministra gubi mandat, a na raspisanim dopunskim izborima i on se može kandidirati, pa ako bude izabran može biti i ministar i član donjeg doma; ai je ostalo opće pravilo da članovi donjeg doma ne mogu biti državni službenici, osim ministri; pravilo reizbora posve je ukinuto 1926.)đu
Ovom definicijom nisu obuhvaćeni: ministri, zaposleni u vojsci (koji jesu službenici Krune, ali se ne smatraju zaposlenim u javnom sektoru), policija, zaposleni u lokalnoj vlasti, zaposleni uNacionalnoj zdravstvenoj služba i zaposleni ujavnim preduzećima, iako su svi oni uključeniu javnu službu.
No person who has an office under the monarch, or receives a pension from the Crown, can be a Member of Parliament (MP). This provision was inserted to avoid unwelcome royal influence over the House of Commons. It remains in force, but with several exceptions. (As a side effect, this provision means that MPs seeking to resign from parliament can get round the age-old prohibition on resignation by obtaining a sinecure in the control of the Crown; while several offices have historically been used for this purpose, two are currently in use: appointments generally alternate between the stewardships of the Chiltern Hundreds and of the Manor of Northstead.[10])
Državni službenik ne može biti član donjeg doma (izmijenjeno 1706.; ako član Donjeg doma primi položaj ministra gubi mandat, a na raspisanim dopunskim izborima i on se može kandidirati, pa ako bude izabran može biti i ministar i član donjeg doma; ai je ostalo opće pravilo da članovi donjeg doma ne mogu biti državni službenici, osim ministri; pravilo reizbora posve je ukinuto 1926.)đu
Ovom definicijom nisu obuhvaćeni: ministri, zaposleni u vojsci (koji jesu službenici Krune, ali se ne smatraju zaposlenim u javnom sektoru), policija, zaposleni u lokalnoj vlasti, zaposleni uNacionalnoj zdravstvenoj služba i zaposleni ujavnim preduzećima, iako su svi oni uključeniu javnu službu.
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