Glossary entry

English term or phrase:


Serbian translation:

talog / nataloženo zagađenje

Added to glossary by Ana_pg
Jul 2, 2013 11:20
11 yrs ago
4 viewers *
English term


English to Serbian Science Environment & Ecology
• evaluation of the development (including the migration) of contamination in the USZ (subsidies, speed, way of migration)
• evaluation of the development of contamination in the SZ (subsidies, speed, way of migration)
Objasnjenje ovog pojma - It refers to the primary source of contamination- if it still exists or not (ie oil tank), if it the contamination is leaking to envi or not.


Nenad Radosavljević Jul 4, 2013:
Daryo je okrenuo diskusiju na pravu stranu, mi smo nešto dodali i evo rešenja. Prava stvar.
Jasmina Zivanovic Jul 4, 2013:
Cilj KudoZ-a je da kolege pomažu jedni drugima u pronalaženju rešenja za problematične termine. Nadam se da smo koleginici svojim izlaganjima barem malo pomogli u tome - ona će najbolje znati i sama odlučiti koji je termin najadekvatniji u njenom (kon)tekstu. Teško je na osnovu datog konteksta (koji prati ovo pitanje) reći šta je pravi odgovor. I dalje mislim da je kolega drnenad najbliže rešenju.
Nenad Radosavljević Jul 4, 2013:
To će najbolje znati Ana, obzirom da ima pred sobom čitav tekst. Njeno objašnjenje pojma, gde navodi da se radi o primarnom izvoru zagađenja i razmatra se da li zagađivač i dalje iz tog izvora curi i dospeva u okruženje ili ne, kao i fraze "zasićeno/nezasićeno područje", su me naveli da pomislim da je ovde u pitanju "priliv novih količina zagađivača". Tačnije razmatra se da li ima priliva novih količina zagađivača ili ne, brzina kojom se zagađenje širi i putevi širenja.
Daryo Jul 4, 2013:
"Cross-boundary subsidies" jeste još jedan primer za "subsidy" koji nema nikakve veze sa novčanim subvencijama, koji bi bio vrsta "priliva/prenosa" raznih materijala iz jednog ekološkog okruženja u drugo. Ali nisam siguran koliko se može primeniti na ovaj tekst, koji je o zagađivanju voda (contamination in the USZ), i o tome kuda putuju zagađene vode (..., speed, way of migration); mislim da je ovde pre u pitanju nataloženo zagađenje, nego materijal koji se seli iz jednog okruženja u drugo, u kome daje svoj "doprinos".
Jasmina Zivanovic Jul 3, 2013:
Evo još jednog teksta na istu temu:
,,Cross-boundary subsidies are caused by organisms or materials that cross or traverse habitat patch boundaries, subsidizing the resident populations. The transferred organisms and materials may provide additional predators, prey, or nutrients to resident species, which can affect community and food web structure.’’ Dakle, u ovom kontekstu, ,,subsidies’’ bi bile ,,transferred organisms and materials’’ .
Kolega drnenad je dao dobar predlog, možda bi samo trebalo umesto jedne reči upotrebiti opisni način, na primer: priliv organizama i materijala ili preneseni organizmi i materijali (i sl.).
Nenad Radosavljević Jul 2, 2013:
Evo citata iz nekih članaka na ovu i srodne teme:

"Subsidies, or the transfer of materials between
habitats, have been a primary focus of food web and landscape ecology for the last decade (Polis et at. 1997, Ballinger and Lake 2006)."

"Landscape-level movement of
materials has long been incorporated into the study of
food webs with the concept of ecological subsidy, or
donor-control of material originating from areas distant
from locations of exploitation (Polis et al. 1997)."

Na osnovu ovoga moj predlog bi bio "priliv".
Daryo Jul 2, 2013:
ne znam da li je neko do sada preveo taj izraz, iz opisa mi to izgleda kao "talog"; zagađenje koje se sleglo u zemljištu ispod nekog rezervoara
Ana_pg (asker) Jul 2, 2013:
Da, to su nezasićeno i zasićeno područje vode. Termin nema nikakve veze sa novcem, odnosi se, kao što je autor objasnio (pošto sam pitala) na primarni izvor zagađenja - da li još uvijek postoji ili ne, i da li zagađenje od tog izvora curi u životnu sredinu. Moje je pitanje, zapravo, kako to staviti u jednu riječ, i da li ta riječ postoji u srpskom jeziku u ovoj ekološkoj terminologiji.
Daryo Jul 2, 2013:
imate li igde objašnjenje šta je zapravo USZ i SZ?

Proposed translations

7 hrs
English term (edited): subsidies

talog / nataloženo zagađenje

ovde je više nego očigledno da "subsidies" nema nikakve veze sa novcem, sa novčanim subvencijama.
Značenje izraza treba tražiti u sasvim drugom pravcu, krenuti od glagola "to subside" (subsidies = things that have subsided)

"to subside [səb'saɪd] intransitive verb → synonyms
[land, pavement, foundations, building] ▶ s'affaisser, ▶ se tasser
[flood, river] ▶ baisser, ▶ décroître
[wind, anger, excitement] ▶ tomber, ▶ se calmer
[threat] ▶ s'éloigner
[person]; [into armchair etc] ▶ s'affaisser, ▶ s'écrouler (into : dans) (on to : sur)
[Robert Collins EN - FR dictionary]

sva ta značenje idu u pravcu: slegnuti se, urušiti se, pasti, nataložiti se ...


1. abate, decrease, de-escalate, diminish, dwindle, ease, ebb, lessen, let up, level off, melt away, moderate, peter out, quieten, recede, slacken, wane.
2. cave in, collapse, decline, descend, drop, ebb, lower, settle, sink.

Iz konteksta - "contamination in the USZ" tj. zagađivanje voda jasno je da su u pitanju materije koje su iscurele iz nekog rezervoara i slegle se / nataložile u zemljištu natopljenom vodom i dalje migriraju (subsidies, speed, way of migration)

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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Hvala, mislim da je ovo najbolje resenje, mozda cak jos bolje je i curenje natalozenog zagadjenja"
46 mins


Mislim da je reč o subvencijama.

,,Subvencije za smanjenje zagađenja će verovatno dovesti do prekomerne proizvodnje proizvoda koji uzrokuju zagađenje iako omogućavaju efikasno smanjivanje zagađenja.'' pro...

Note from asker:
U ovom kontekstu ipak nije u pitanju subvencija.
Svakako, hvala na trudu.
Peer comment(s):

agree Aida Samardzic
36 mins
Hvala! :)
disagree Daryo : "It refers to the primary source of contamination" koja je veza sa novčanim subvencijama?
2 hrs
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4 hrs

(rizična) usluga pružena od vlade/koju vlada pruža ili (rizična) vladina usluga

Defintion term "subsidy"
(1) kontroliranje i delenje rizika i koristi/nagrada povezanih s ekonomskim aktivnostima
(2) (rizična) usluga pružena od vlade/koju vlada pruža ili (rizična) vladina usluga
(3) vladina politika koja koristi određenim sektorima ekonomije

An operational definition of subsidies needs to reflect this feature: subsidies are government-provided goods or services, including risk-bearing, that would otherwise have to be purchased in the market. Subsidies can also be in the form of special exemptions from standard required payments (e.g., tax breaks).

… When these subsidies reduce the prices of natural resources or natural resource intensive products, they encourage additional pollution and habitat destruction.
Note from asker:
Hvala, ali kako je Daryo rekao, ovdje se radi o ekoloskom tumacenju pojma, a ne finansijskom...
Peer comment(s):

disagree Daryo : and how is this kind of "subsidy" going to migrate through water saturated grounds?
2 hrs
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Reference comments

4 hrs

Defintion term "subsidy"

Defintion term "subsidy"
(1) kontroliranje i delenje rizika i koristi/nagrada povezanih s ekonomskim aktivnostima
(2) (rizična) usluga pružena od vlade/koju vlada pruža ili (rizična) vladina usluga
(3) vladina politika koja koristi određenim sektorima ekonomije

An operational definition of subsidies needs to reflect this feature: subsidies are government-provided goods or services, including risk-bearing, that would otherwise have to be purchased in the market. Subsidies can also be in the form of special exemptions from standard required payments (e.g., tax breaks).

… When these subsidies reduce the prices of natural resources or natural resource intensive products, they encourage additional pollution and habitat destruction.

Subsidy Primer
Intervention and Subsidy Basics
Government interventions encompass a wide range of regulatory, fiscal, tax, indemnification, and legal actions that modify the rights and responsibilities of various parties in society. Click here to view Common Forms of Government Interventions in Energy Markets. Interventions can increase or decrease costs to particular groups, effectively acting either as a subsidy or as a tax. Some of these policies increase societal welfare. Too often, however, government interventions end up subsidizing powerful groups in society, sometimes making societal imbalances worse.

Most people think of programs such as welfare when the term "subsidy" is used. This image is unfortunate, since many of the most valuable subsidies do not involve cash transfers at all; and flow at least as often to corporations as they do to individuals. This section provides a more holistic presentation of how governments support particular sectors of their society.

Understanding Subsidies
• Subsidies represent government policies that benefit particular sectors of the economy. Government subsidies are common in most countries and benefit many industries. When these subsidies reduce the prices of natural resources or natural resource intensive products, they encourage additional pollution and habitat destruction. They can also create large opportunity costs, an economic term recognizing that money used for program "A" is no longer available for program "B", even though the second option might have helped more people or built a stronger long-term economy. An overview of subsidy basics will make the more detailed information easier to understand.

• Subsidies are not just cash. One of the most unfortunate misconceptions about subsidies is that they are simply cash. In reality, a great deal of market activity involves controlling and sharing the risks and rewards of economic activities. While bearing less risk or getting a larger share of the rewards can greatly improve the economic returns to a private entity, the subsidies themselves may take the form of shifting how risks or rewards are allocated, rather than changing payments to industries directly. An operational definition of subsidies needs to reflect this feature: subsidies are government-provided goods or services, including risk-bearing, that would otherwise have to be purchased in the market. Subsidies can also be in the form of special exemptions from standard required payments (e.g., tax breaks).

• Defining the baseline. Subsidies must often be measured against some baseline. What would taxes owed have been in the absence of this special tax break? How much would industry have had to pay in interest to build that new facility if the government had not guaranteed the loan? This is quite important, as subsidy recipients often argue that it is not a subsidy if the government simply lets them keep more of their money (by reducing their taxes). In reality, of course, unless taxes go down for everybody, reductions in one sector do force others to pay more. Our baseline assumes standard corporate tax rates and no special agency programs to finance or absorb market risks for particular energy-related endeavors.

Subsidy targeting. One issue related to defining a baseline is that of narrowly targeted subsidies versus more broadly targeted programs that benefit one form of energy as well as some other industries. Industry representatives inevitably conclude that only subsidies directly targeted at the a particular fuel should count as benefits to producers or consumers of that fuel. In fact, many other subsidies tilt the energy playing field towards a particular fuel even if other fuels or non-energy industries also benefit. It is useful to consider a handful of common subsidy targeting approaches:
Peer comments on this reference comment:

disagree Daryo : gde se se tu spominje zagađena voda?
2 hrs
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1 day 23 hrs


Rečnik ekologije i zaštite životne sredine, grupa autora:
Subsidy: subvencija, dotacija, novčana pomoć, novčana potpora
energy subsidies: energetske dopune (dopunski prirodni izvori energije - energije vetra, strujanja, itd.)
At multiple sites along the variable northern California Current, we link field experiments testing interaction strengths to oceanic drivers by quantifying ecological subsidies (phytoplankton and particulates, nutrients, recruits) and physical conditions (temperature, photosynthetically active radiation, upwelling).

subsidies (pl.) može imati potpuno drugačije značenje od subsidy (sing.).
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