Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
Serbian translation:
pseudokod (simbolički kod)
English term
Chances are, if you were to go into a conference room at a software company, it would contain a white-board filled with pseudocode and flowcharts. Pseudocode and flowcharts are programmer's ways of expressing algorithms, control structures, and other programming concepts quickly and simply. (InfoWebLinks)
Generally, you should try to break each main task down into very small tasks that can each be explained with a short phrase. There may eventually be a one-to-one correlation between the lines of pseudocode and the lines of the code that you write after you have finished pseudocoding. (
PPP is a way of developing routines by writing pseudocode for them in the first place (not a new topic) and after that, making the pseudocode a comment in the routine (functions, procedure, method or whatever your language calls them). (CodeRookie)
5 +2 | pseudokod (simbolički kod) | Goran Tasic |
May 29, 2009 15:00: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"
May 30, 2009 07:55: changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"
Jun 2, 2009 08:54: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Completion"
Proposed translations
pseudokod (simbolički kod)
Ријеч псеудокод потиче од старогрчке ријечи pseudēs - лаж и ријечи код, те би буквалан превод на српски био „лажни код“.
1. Nacrtati algoritamsku shemu i napisati pseudokod koji za ulazni podatak ima prirodan broj N i koji određuje i štampa koliko puta se u broju N pojavljuje cifra 7 (Principi programiranja)
agree |
Srdjan Stepanovic
1 day 11 hrs
agree |
Goran Stamenkovic
: Apsolutno se slažem i smatram da je odlično što ste u zagradi dali i potpuno korektan sinonim - "simbolički kod"
2 days 10 hrs
Hvala lepo.
Mnemonic code:
Čak i da su "pseudocode" i "symbolic code" sinonimi u engl. j. to ne mora obavezno da znači da se mogu bukvlano prevesti na SR a da pri tome zadrže isto značenje (faux amis - ).
mnemonic code / mnemonički kod, simbolički kod. Programski kod koji se lako pamti jer kodovi podsećaju na izvorne reči, kao što je MPY za multiply (pomnožiti) i ACC za accumulator (akumulator).
pseudocode - videti interpretive language
interpretive language / interpretivni jezik
Jezik za program. računara kod kojeg se svaka instrukcija neposredno prevodi i izvršava računarom, za razliku od prevodioca koji dekodira čitav program pre nego što se i jedna instrukcija može izvršiti. Takođe poznato i kao interpretive code, pseudocode (interpretivni kod, pseudokod.)
symbolic coding-simboličko kodovanje
Instrukcija napisana u asemblerskom jeziku koji koristi simbole za operacije i adrese, symbollic programming
ref. McGraw-Hill terminološki rečnik,
A program code unrelated to the hardware of a particular computer and requiring conversion to the code used by the computer before the program can be used. Also called symbolic code.,
Dakle - Gorane, imaš "agree" od ex-maturantkinje matematičke gimnazije u Beogradu :)