Mar 5, 2010 14:02
14 yrs ago
English term

best boy

GBK English to Serbian Art/Literary Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
Definition from
Best Boy means chief assistant. The best boy can be the second in charge of any team, but the term usually applies to the lighting/electrical and grip departments on a film set.
Example sentences:
The Gaffer could also be named "chief lighting technician" and a Best Boy is his next in command. (Gothamist LLC)
The job is not a glamorous one, and usually the only recognition you get for your hard efforts is when the audience sees the term 'Best Boy' in the credits and laughs. (Helium, Inc.)
On films with very small crews, the electric (lighting) department often consists of only a gaffer, a best boy, and a few electricians. The grip department may include only a key grip, a best boy, and a few grips. (Wapedia)
Proposed translations (Serbian)
5 -1 asistent dizajnera svetla
Change log

Mar 5, 2010 13:29: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"

Mar 5, 2010 14:02: changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"

Mar 8, 2010 14:58: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Selection"

May 4, 2010 14:55:


itchi Apr 4, 2010:
Primer Verovatno ste u pravu ali ja nisam uspeo da pronadjem ni jedan primer tj. referencu prevedenog termina.
amarok Mar 6, 2010:
iako ne zadovoljavam kriterijume da odgovorim na ovo pitanje, predlozila bih sledece resenje: tehnicki asistent majstora svetla, kako se to zvanicno zove u nomenklaturi zanimanja (trenutno sam uspela da nadjem samo onu iz SFRJ, ali koliko sam upucena, to se nije promenilo).

Proposed translations

3 days 1 hr

asistent dizajnera svetla

Definition from umetnost davanja:
Ponedeljak, 14. april, Narodno pozorište u Nišu, 20 časova<br /><br />muzika: Kevin Volans, Ioannis Xanakis, Gyorgy Ligeti<br />koreografija, dizajn, scenografija, kostim, šminka: Shen Wei<br />dizajn svetla: Jennifer Tipton<br />zvuk: Shen Wei, Fitz Patton<br />asistent scenografa, kostimografa: Junghyun Georgia Lee<br />asistent dizajnera svetla: Scott Bolman
Example sentences:
Организатор Барбара Толевска Инспицијент Саша Танасковић Суфлер Гордана Перовски Дизајн тона Владимир Петричевић Асистент дизајнера светла Саша Поповић Мајстор светла Владо Маринковски Мајстор маске Драгољуб Јеремић Мајстор позорнице Зоран Мирић (Narodno pozorište)
Peer comment(s):

disagree Mira Stepanovic : Koleginice, nažalost nema definicije.
17 mins
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