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Dec 22, 2010 17:52
13 yrs ago
3 viewers *
English term

gap test

English to Serbian Science Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng
The three types of test used are (recommended test is indicated within brackets):

Type 1 (a): a shock test with defined booster and confinement to determine the ability
of the substance to propagate a detonation (UN Gap test):
Type 1 (b): a test to determine the effect of heating under confinement (Koenen test);
Type 1 (c): a test to determine the effect of ignition under confinement (time/pressure

Proposed translations

47 mins

Gap (glicidilazid polimer) test ujedinjenih nacija


Ukucajte i proverite:

"8.5.11. GAP (glicidilazid polimer) (CAS 143178-24-9) i njegovi derivati;..."

Nadam se da sam pomogla.

Note added at 3 hrs (2010-12-22 21:20:11 GMT)

Morate dobro razmisliti o celom tekstu i istražiti sve detaljno. Ne znam kako da pomognem dalje, za sada.
Note from asker:
zvuci kao da je moguce, ali pazite ovo: "in the case of gap tests, the gap used is greater than zero" ocigledno da gap ovde nije akronim...
Peer comment(s):

agree Aida Samardzic
2 mins
disagree Mira Stepanovic : Izvinite, ali ovo nikako ne bi bio odgovarajući prevod u datom kontekstu, u pitanju nije akronim, v. referencu.
19 hrs
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Reference comments

3 hrs

postoje 2 testa, (običan) gap test je test koji meri razmak između 2 pojavljivanja iste vrednosti; UN GAP test je test za eksplozive. Nije isključeno da imate oba u tekstu.
Example sentence:

The Gap Test (GT) measures the distance between two neighboared appearances of the same digit and divides the whole sequence into separate chains of various length. Here is the example for digit "1"

Test for reaction to shocks in the form of the UN GAP Test.

Peer comments on this reference comment:

agree Marija Novakovic
7 mins
Hvala Marija
Something went wrong...
5 hrs

Ispitivanje eksplozivnih supstanci
UN Gap Test
The UN Gap Test is one of three tests that comprise Test Series 1 and 2 of the United Nations (UN) protocol for the classification of explosive articles and materials for transport. The test is used to assess the sensitivity of a substance under confinement in a steel tube to detonative shock. The test involves filling a cold-drawn, seamless steel tube (400 mm L x 48 mm OD x 4 mm t) with the test sample. The top of the vertical tube is covered with a mild steel witness plate. The bottom of the tube is fitted to a booster charge and detonator. A positive (+) result is indicated by complete fragmentation of the tube and/or holing of the witness plate. If a negative (-) result is obtained during the first trial, a second trial is performed. Approximately 1.5 liters of sample are required to complete this testing.
Testing of explosive substances
• Test for reaction to shocks in the form of the UN
GAP Test.

Ovo je sličan test, odavde se vidi da gap nije akronim već da predstavlja neki razmak:
Knowledge of the sensitivity of high explosives to shock is important to avoid unwanted detonations in service. The large scale gap test (LSGT) is used in the UK as one of the key qualification tests for energetic materials. These tests consist of a donor charge, a PMMA attenuator (or gap) and a test or acceptor charge. The gap length is varied until 50% of test acceptors are detonated. In this work the shock to detonation behaviour of a UK secondary formulation was measured. Manganin pressure gauges were embedded at various radii in acceptor charges of varying lengths, and the charges were subjected to varying gap output pulses, characterized in earlier work. For longer acceptor lengths and higher gap output pressures, detonation was observed. Curvature was also measured.

Naravno, bilo bi dobro da se pronađe tačan naziv ovog testa na srpskom jeziku.
Peer comments on this reference comment:

agree predunuku
18 hrs
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