This question was closed without grading. Reason: Answer found elsewhere
Jun 2, 2017 13:24
7 yrs ago
English term

Front groups

English to Serbian Other Advertising / Public Relations
And it's really important to understand how front groups work and why they're different from trade groups. Trade groups lobby. Front groups, really the name of the game is to engage in public relations, some of them may not lobby at all. But PR is a critical mission of front groups and again the idea is not to be transparent about what they're doing, but to make themselves appear they are one thing when they are something else.
Proposed translations (Serbian)
3 -1 paravan, izvidnica
Change log

Jun 4, 2017 04:18: Karen Zaragoza changed "Term asked" from "Front troup" to "Front groups" , "Term Context" from "And it\'s really important to understand how front groups work and why they\'re different from trade groups. Trade groups lobby. Front groups, really the name of the game is to engage in public relations, some of them may not lobby at all. But PR is a critical mission of front groups and again the idea is not to be transparent about what they\'re doing, but to make themselves appear they are one thing when they are something else." to "And it\\\'s really important to understand how front groups work and why they\\\'re different from trade groups. Trade groups lobby. Front groups, really the name of the game is to engage in public relations, some of them may not lobby at all. But PR is a critical mission of front groups and again the idea is not to be transparent about what they\\\'re doing, but to make themselves appear they are one thing when they are something else."


Daryo Jun 21, 2017:
Primer Category:Alcohol Front Groups

Groups claiming to be independent institutes or citizens organisations, but which in reality are corporate financed and controlled or run by PR agencies.
Daryo Jun 11, 2017:
nije poenta u tome da bilo koga napadaju (ili hvale, kako kad)

poenta je da se "front groups" lažno predstavljaju, da uopšte nisu "nezavisne grupe", da su puka fasada tvrde da su nezavisne grupe koje zastupaju "ugnjetavane pušače" a zapravo ih je osnovala i finansira ih (neposredno ili posredno) duvanska industrija
xxxmprozuser (X) (asker) Jun 8, 2017:
Napadačke grupe koje funkcionišu kao napadački psi.
Daryo Jun 8, 2017:
da je u pitanju vlada neke banana/vazalne države to bi bio "marionetski režim"

"marionetska grupa" bi imalo smisla jer "front group" je grupa koje je kao marionete, javno nastupa onako kako neko vuče konce iza scene (zastupa tuđe interese shodno tuđim nalozima). Drugo je pitanju kako to zvuči.

front group = marionete, fasada za prikrivene interese ... grupa zadužena za zamajavanje javnosti i sl.
xxxmprozuser (X) (asker) Jun 3, 2017:
It's a typo. The typo "Front troup" stands for "Front group"
Daryo Jun 3, 2017:
where is any mention of front troups in your text?

Proposed translations

1 day 31 mins
English term (edited): front troup

paravan, izvidnica

Peer comment(s):

disagree Daryo : "paravan" i "izvidnica" nisu sinonimi (ni izdaleka) - koji od ta dva je tačan prevod?
5 days
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