Oct 27, 2002 09:45
21 yrs ago
English term


Non-PRO English to Russian Tech/Engineering
Это встретилось в меню утилит в программе работающей с широкоформатным принтером.
Proposed translations (Russian)
3 +4 ->
2 LPA = LAN performance analyzer
Votes to reclassify question as PRO/non-PRO:

PRO (1): mk_lab

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An easy question is one that any bilingual person would be able to answer correctly. (Or in the case of monolingual questions, an easy question is one that any native speaker of the language would be able to answer correctly.)

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Non-ProZ.com Oct 27, 2002:
�������� ���� ���� � ��������� Performs the LPAP procedure for all channels. LPAP applies low pressure to the ink system in order to bring the inkjet heads to a working condition.
Non-ProZ.com Oct 27, 2002:
�������� ���� ���� � ��������� Performs the LPAP procedure for all channels. LPAP applies low pressure to the ink system in order to bring the inkjet heads to a working condition.
Non-ProZ.com Oct 27, 2002:
�������� ���� ���� � ��������� Performs the LPAP procedure for all channels. LPAP applies low pressure to the ink system in order to bring the inkjet heads to a working condition.
Non-ProZ.com Oct 27, 2002:
�������� ���� ���� � ��������� Performs the LPAP procedure for all channels. LPAP applies low pressure to the ink system in order to bring the inkjet heads to a working condition.

Proposed translations

20 mins


LPAP = Low Pressure Application Procedure - в сответствии с контекстом.

Переводить не нужно - просто в первый раз дайте пояснение (в сноске)

Note added at 2002-10-27 10:20:31 (GMT)

В работе струйных принтеров очень большое значение имеет режим давления в картриджах.

Pressure Equalization

The best way to get optimum performance out of your printer cartridge is to let it the pressure stabilize properly. Some cartridges require you to re- pressurize them with a plastic squeeze bottle that you have to blow into the air hole (this is done \'automatically\' with our special product, The Refill Station. Others simply require that you let them sit for a small amount of time before re-inserting them into the printer.

Note added at 2002-10-27 10:26:23 (GMT)

Сам убедился в этом на своем стареньком HP-520. Считал подсохший картридж безнадежно загубленным. Но оказалось достаточным (по совету друга) слегка подсосать воздух через отверстие для заполнения резервуара для чернил (т.е., применить Low Pressure Application Procedure) чтобы забитые сопла очистились.
Peer comment(s):

agree Natalie
0 min
agree Remedios : Очень полезный ответ :-)
2 hrs
agree marfus
3 hrs
agree Mark Vaintroub
5 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks!"
7 mins

LPA = LAN performance analyzer

LPA сокр. от LAN Performance Analyzer анализатор функционирования локальной сети (Lingvo)

Что значит последняя буква - найти не могу. Может, хоть это поможет...

Note added at 2002-10-27 09:55:03 (GMT)

Может, p = printing?
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