Aug 19, 2009 00:01
15 yrs ago
English term

soul conversations with me

English to Russian Other Religion
Доброго времени суток.

Later, I received spiritual testing from my spiritual guides in Heaven. For a few weeks in 1994, my Third Eye saw many images.
They also showed me that Master Guo was not the right teacher. They told me not to follow him. I knew that my teacher worked and studied tirelessly, put great effort into clinical research, showed great compassion and generosity to all of the patients who came to him, and cured many "incurable" cases. His deep wisdom had a profound impact on me. His techniques were incredibly effective. So I did not listen to this false guidance.
At that moment, I did not understand that I was being tested by Heaven. But because I did not listen to the false messages, I passed my test. I was very firm in continuing to follow my teacher's teaching. After my spiritual guides saw my loyalty and commitment to my teacher's journey, they blessed my spiritual journey with my teacher more and more. They also started to have soul conversations with me to directly teach me soul secrets, wisdom, knowledge, and practice.

Что имеется в виду: что общение ведётся на духовные темы? Если так, то это можно перевести как духовные беседы, например. Или что разговор ведётся посредством души? Вот ранее по тексту:

Your Heaven's spiritual guides can also guide you. After you open your spiritual channels, you can listen to their guidance. Buddhas, holy saints, and healing angels in Heaven find their students on Mother Earth. They offer their teachings to their physical students to guide them. Your Heaven's spiritual guides can converse with you or show you spiritual images to guide you. They also bless you and protect you. They give you great love, care, and compassion.


Proposed translations

1 hr

общение посредством духа

"Высочайший монах Сюань, - по всей вероятности, наставник одного из чаньских монастырей. Это следует из упоминаний Ван Вэя об общении с монахом "посредством духа" - одно из требований чаньских учителей, утверждавших всю бесполезность слов в передаче учения, где должен торжествовать принцип "от сердца к сердцу" {Китайское "синь" - "сердце", "сознание". Санскритское "читта" - центр психической деятельности.}"

Note added at 9 hrs (2009-08-19 09:01:15 GMT)

Мне кажется, имеются в виду не душеспасительные беседы с наставниками, а беседы, которые ведутся в душЕ. Иначе не совсем понятно, как общаться с buddhas, holy saints, and healing angels in Heaven :)
Peer comment(s):

agree gutbuster : East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet. Joseph Rudyard Kipling
6 hrs
exactly :)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "My thanks to everyone. Thank you very much, Sophia!"
6 hrs

духовные беседы / разговоры / общение

этот вариант предполагает в то же время, что они проходят на уровне духа / души, т.е. посредством духа / души
ссылко - окиян

Note added at 6 час (2009-08-19 06:36:18 GMT)

т.е. ссылок
Peer comment(s):

agree gutbuster
2 hrs
Спасибо за поддержку!
agree JangF
10 days
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8 hrs

беседы о душе

Ибо, далее раскрывается смысл таких бесед - передать тайны души, мудрость, знания и опыт(soul secrets, wisdom, knowledge, and practice.)
Peer comment(s):

agree Sergey Gurinovich : That's how I'd have put it.
1 day 3 hrs
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