Oct 9, 2007 06:25
17 yrs ago
4 viewers *
English term

first position purchase money security interest

English to Russian Bus/Financial Law: Taxation & Customs cars/trucks
Looks like a phrase for me, wich I can't get it all together; or is it a financial term etc? The context is - a contract with a new dealer, selling, distribuiting trucks etc. I'm translating it from English into Russian.

Thanks a lot in advance for the help!! It's really like a bad problem for me ^((
Proposed translations (Russian)
4 см. ниже
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Oct 9, 2007 06:56: Oleg Rudavin changed "Level" from "Non-PRO" to "PRO"

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PRO (1): Zamira B.

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Non-ProZ.com (asker) Oct 9, 2007:
Until the full purchase price of Products has been paid, NN shall retain, and the Importer hereby grants to NN, A FIRST POSITION PURCHASE MONEY SECURITY INTEREST in the NN's Products, the NN's Products shall remain the sole property of NN, and NN shall have the right (i) at all reasonable times, to inspect the NN's Products, and (ii) to recall the NN's Products in which case the Importer shall promptly return them to NN's depot or other reasonably specified location at NN's cost.
Zamira B. Oct 9, 2007:
Анна, дайте пожалуйста все предложение.
Zamira B. Oct 9, 2007:
Анна, дайте пожалуйста все предложение.
Non-ProZ.com (asker) Oct 9, 2007:
Да нет, я ничего такого не считаю специального... просто времени в обрез, нужно срочно сдавать заказ, нет возможности понять, что такое Pro, а что нет, и, опять же, это должно было бы сузить круг отвечающих, нет? Я впрочем не спец, у Вас на сайте впервые.
Zamira B. Oct 9, 2007:
Анна, а почему вы считаете, что этот вопрос не-Про?

Proposed translations

1 hr

см. ниже

Обеспечительные права первого порядка (в отношении платежных обязательств)

A word should be said about "purchase money security interest" or, as lawyers call them, PMSIs. As the name suggests, these security interests are extended to lenders of money used to finance the purchase of personal property. A person leasing goods for less than a year, a consignor under a commercial consignment and conditional sales contracts are examples of persons allowed to register PMSIs. PMSIs are very valuable to creditors because they have a super-priority over other security interests. They are subject to special rules in the PPSA, the detail of which exceeds the scope of this article.

Purchase money security interests
The Canadian PPSAs and New Zealand PPSA define a PMSI to mean:
• a security interest taken or reserved in collateral to secure payment of all or
part of its price; and
• a security interest taken by a person who gives value for the purpose of
enabling the debtor to acquire rights in collateral to the extent that the
value is applied to acquire the rights.

Note added at 1 hr (2007-10-09 07:59:11 GMT) Post-grading

Вы бы не торопились с выбором варианта. Могут быть еще предложения.
Note from asker:
Конечно!! Но хоть бы примерно :))
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Great! I'm glad I was able to recognize a financial term under it:)) Thanks a lot!!! Though I don't even know your name :(("
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