May 22, 2003 09:51
21 yrs ago
9 viewers *
English term

gender mainstreaming

Non-PRO English to Romanian Other
The gender mainstreaming strategy has proven to be an effective tool in the promotion of equality between men and women.

Proposed translations

4 hrs

strategia promovarii in planul principal al atentiei publicului

a problemelor legate de discriminarea sexuala s-a dovedit a fi un instrument eficient in promovarea egalitatii in drepturi intre sexe
ceva de genul asta

Note added at 2003-05-22 15:45:14 (GMT)

Si trebuie sa mentionez ca \" egalitatea intre sexe \" mi se pare o formulare incorecta , sa ma ierte costinro de vehementa dar ma revolta numai ideea in sine, cum sa fie sexele egale? e ca si cum ai pune semn de egalitate intre mere si dovleci. :):):)
Eu am folosit mereu \"egalitatea * in drepturi* a celor 2 sexe\" si pina acum nu s-a plins nimeni. :)
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19 hrs

promovarea egalitatii de sanse intre sexe

Mai bine au facut nemtii care nu s-au mai complicat sa traduca si au imprumutat sintagma ca atare din engleza... ceea ce ar putea fi o solutie si la noi
"strategie de gender mainstreaming"

Definition of Gender Mainstreaming

The concept of bringing gender issues into the mainstream of society was clearly established as a global strategy for promoting gender equality in the Platform for Action adopted at the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women, held in Beijing (China) in 1995. It highlighted the necessity to ensure that gender equality is a primary goal in all area(s) of social and economic development.

Note added at 2003-05-23 05:09:35 (GMT)

I think that this is just the beginning, but it is a great beginning, and Kofi Annan, our Secretary-General, who is very interested in the aspects of gender and, as you know, has brought it up at many of the senior cabinet meetings, will certainly learn of this. I\'m sure you\'ll be hearing from him because this is the first good news on the gender mainstreaming, on a policy strategy, that we have had in 2002. So congratulations, enjoy, and it\'s a delight to be here. Thank you so much.
Gender Mainstreaming is a globally accepted strategy for promoting gender equality. Mainstreaming is not an end in itself but a strategy, an approach, a means to achieve the goal of gender equality. Mainstreaming involves ensuring that gender perspectives and attention to the goal of gender equality are central to all activities - policy development, research, advocacy/ dialogue, legislation, resource allocation, and planning, implementation and monitoring of programmes and projects.

Peer comment(s):

neutral Anca Nitu : nici sanse nu merge, chiar in definitia pe care ai dat-o e vorba de aducerea "gender issues" in atentia publicului, regret nespus ca trebuie sa te contrazic :):)
9 hrs
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