Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

judgment and decree

Romanian translation:

hotărâre judecătorească

Added to glossary by Lucica Abil (X)
Aug 15, 2008 05:49
16 yrs ago
51 viewers *
English term

judgment and decree

English to Romanian Law/Patents Law (general)
Findings of fact, conclusions of law, and judgment and decree

Este vorba despre o hotărâre de divorţ

Change log

Aug 29, 2008 11:15: Lucica Abil (X) Created KOG entry


Liviu-Lee Roth Aug 15, 2008:
sunt curios sa stiu care ste diferenta intre cele trei "hotarare judecatoreasca"?
(la asta ma refeream cand am mentionat "goana dupa puncte!!"

Proposed translations

7 hrs

hotărâre judecătorească

Columbia Encyclopedia: decree,
in law, decision of a suit in a court of equity. It is the counterpart in equity of the judgment in a court of law, although in those jurisdictions where law and equity have merged, judgment is sometimes used to include both. The difference between the two, however, is fundamental. A judgment must be unconditionally for one party or another, but a decree is adaptable to the peculiar necessities of each case and may include rights and duties of both parties. A decree may impose conditions on its enforcement upon either party. The decree may act against the person of the defendant; it is not restricted to the award of money damages. It may contain an injunction against the performance of certain acts. One of the most familiar of the decrees given by courts of equity is the decree of divorce, adjudicating the dissolution of a marriage and awarding alimony. Decrees are enforced by proceedings for contempt of court.

Law Encyclopedia: Decree
This entry contains information applicable to United States law only.

A judgment of a court that announces the legal consequences of the facts found in a case and orders that the court's decision be carried out. A decree in equity is a sentence or order of the court, pronounced on hearing and understanding all the points in issue, and determining the rights of all the parties to the suit, according to equity and good conscience. It is a declaration of the court announcing the legal consequences of the facts found. With the procedural merger of law and equity in the federal and most state courts under the Rules of Civil Procedure, the term judgment has generally replaced decree.

A divorce decree sets out the conclusions of the court relating to the facts asserted as grounds for the divorce, and it subsequently dissolves the marriage.

Decree is sometimes used interchangeably with determination and order.

Din textele de mai sus, rezultă că ar fi vorba despre o hotărâre în echitate şi o hotărâre bazată pe normele de drept. Sau, mai degrabă, despre o hotărâre pronunţată atât în echitate, cât şi pe baza normelor de drept.

În dreptul român, actul în discuţie se numeşte hotărâre indiferent dacă instanţa se pronunţă pe baza normelor de drept sau în echitate. Cred că hotărâre judecătorească (de divorţ/de desfacere a căsătoriei părţilor) este echivalentul corect.
Peer comment(s):

agree Denise Idel
5 hrs
18 hrs
agree Iosif JUHASZ
1 day 3 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
6 hrs

hotărâre judecătorească definitivă de divorţ

Cred că acesta este termenul.
Mult spor.
Example sentence:

Divorţul se pronunţă prin hotărâre judecătorească, din culpa soţului pârât sau din vina ambilor soţi, iar în cazul divorţului prin acord....

În limbaj comun, prin hotărâre judecătorească se înţelege actul final al ... Cum se adoptă o hotărâre judecătorească? Ce înseamnă pronunţarea hotărârii?

Peer comment(s):

agree Liviu-Lee Roth : este corect dar fara "definitiva" pt. ca poate fi atacata daca nu este "final"
1 min
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6 hrs

sentinta de divort/hotarare judecatoreasca

in RO se accepta sentinta = decree
Something went wrong...

Reference comments

1 hr

din franceza:
1. Un exemplaire du Jugement définitif et sans appel du divorce (Le titre varie selon l’Etat, quelques exemples : « Certificate of divorce absolute », « Final judgment and Decree », « Judgment of Divorce » ect…), Ce document original doit comporter : l’identification de la Cour qui a jugé le divorce et statué, la date et le numéro d’enregistrement définitif et sans appel du divorce, le sceau officiel de la Cour qui a prononcé le divorce, l’identité et la signature du juge.
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