Glossary entry

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    The asker opted for community grading. The question was closed on 2014-11-28 22:54:11 based on peer agreement (or, if there were too few peer comments, asker preference.)
Nov 25, 2014 12:52
9 yrs ago
10 viewers *
English term


English to Portuguese Tech/Engineering Ships, Sailing, Maritime segurança
Winds were light and there was a long, low swell as a Cargo Barge was being prepared for cast off. The operation went smoothly and, with the barge moored only by lines aft and forward, the 3 riggers on board, wearing the correct PPE and buoyancy aids, were ready to be taken off.

The port crane lowered a collapsible man-riding basket onto a clear landing area on the deck of the barge and the two tended taglines between the vessel and the basket were held taut.

When it landed, the three men stepped onto it and held on to the rope work. The standard procedure in this situation is to have one foot on the basket and the other one on deck.
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Nov 25, 2014 12:52: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"


Vitor Pinteus Nov 25, 2014:
Em Oceanografia, "swell" é "ondulação" (e na terminologia de surf também...)
A "ondulação"/"swell" é a perturbação da superfície do mar causada pelos ventos longínquos/em zonas distantes, enquanto a "vaga" é a perturbação causada pelos ventos locais.
Claro que os surfistas só ligam ao "swell" com as características que lhes interessam (alto, regular, etc.), mas naturalmente o "swell" não são apenas as "ondas dos surfistas".
1. ("ondulação (ou "swell"), "vagas e ondulação (em inglês "sea" e "swell"),"A vagas incluem todas as ondas formadas pelos ventos locais, enquanto a ondulação se refere a ondas geradas em campos de ventos distantes."; "a ondulação (swell)"):
2. ("swell" (ondulação)"):
3. (" A ondulação ou marulho (swell) são ondas (que formadas em áreas remotas) se propagaram para fora da zona de geração."):
4. ("swell" »» "ondulação"):

Proposed translations

11 mins


Peer comment(s):

agree Leonor Machado
2 hrs
Obrigada Leonor!
agree Nick Taylor
7 hrs
Obrigada Nick!
agree Vitor Pinteus : surely and definitely (vd discussion) ;))
10 hrs
Obrigada Vitor!!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thanks"
5 mins


swell geralmente se refere a ondas grandes que eu saiba, porém...
Peer comment(s):

agree ferreirac
1 min
Something went wrong...
15 mins


Something went wrong...
23 mins

ondas estacionárias

Sempre uso este termo em interpretação.
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8 hrs


def. Swell = Vaga, onda, vagalhão, ondulação

Dicionário de termos Náuticos Cmte. Alexandre de Azevedo Lima
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