Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
Portuguese translation:
consultores / assessores / intermediários de investimento
English term
Gostaria de ver sugestões de tradução para o termo "gatekeepers" no seguinte contexto:
"Many foreign companies believe that if they know the right people, or get their messages in front of the gatekeepers, they can move their business forward in the EUA. In fact, the most successful foreign companies are those that focus on getting things done as opposed to building connections."
Nov 20, 2019 17:11: Ana Vozone Created KOG entry
Proposed translations
consultores / assessores / intermediários de investimento
Likewise, gatekeepers are “financial intermediaries” that represent large institutional investors, such as the Florida Board of Administration, Ford Motor Company, or New York University.
agree |
: Voto em intermediários. Também pensei nisso.
57 mins
Obrigada, Sandra!
agree |
Cristina Mantovani
: Intermediários me parece bom. E não só de investimento, o link que o Eduan postou abaixo fala de vendas:)
4 hrs
Obrigada, Cristina! Neste caso, conforme indicado pelo consulente, o contexto é precisamente o de investimentos / valores mobiliários.
Acredito que seja esse o caso do seu contexto. Recomendo conferir o artigo e confirmar. Portanto minha sugestão de tradução...
Gatekeeper = guardian, monitor (the gatekeepers of Western culture) From:
'Foi um verdadeiro guardião , em todos os sentidos... ' Em O INDEFECTÍVEL "guardião", in Dicionário Priberam da Língua Portuguesa [em linha], 2008-2013, [consultado em 13-11-2019].
agree |
Mario Freitas
: Guardiães, sô! Just kidding, as duas formas estão corretas.
1 hr
Infelizmente, as formas masculinas plural ainda prevalecem na nossa língua.... obrigada, Mário! :-D
agree |
Luiz Fernando Santos Perina
14 hrs
Obrigada, Luiz Fernando! :-D
agree |
Nick Taylor
19 hrs
Obrigada, NIck! :-D
portão de entrada/portaria
Gatekeeper Definition
There are many industries where gatekeepers are necessary. Gatekeepers are people or policies that act as a go-between, controlling access from one point to another.
They may refuse, control, or delay access to services.
Alternatively, they may also be used to oversee how work is being done and whether it meets certain standards.
Note added at 1 hr (2019-11-13 14:32:27 GMT)
Ou, se quiser:
"know the right people, or get their messages in front of the gatekeepers" sendo estes "right people of "os responsáveis de empresas ou riqueza etc" os gatekeepers de capital, influência etc...
Espero ter ajudado :)
Note added at 5 hrs (2019-11-13 18:21:49 GMT)
ou vigilantes
O contexto parece ser equivalente.