Mar 29, 2017 21:19
7 yrs ago
9 viewers *
English term

peremptory against us

English to Polish Law/Patents Law (general) pismo w sprawie alimentacyjnej
fragment pisma od prawnika proszącego o szczegóły dotyczące zaległości alimentacyjnych i podającego przyczynę odroczenia sprawy:

We can confirm that this matter has been adjourned to 1.01.1990 and that it has been marked peremptory against us on the basis that we were not in a position to deal with the mater on that day due to the unavailability of information that had been requested from the Polish authorities.

czy w tym kontekście chodzi o to, że odroczenie sprawy było z winy tejże strony, która nie posiadała dokumentów? czy też należy to jakoś inaczej rozumieć?


MonisiaG (asker) Mar 30, 2017:
no to wytłumaczenie ma sens i chyba będzie o to chodziło skoro mają dostarczyć dokumenty- dziękuję za cenne wskazówki
Jacek Kloskowski Mar 30, 2017:
cz 2. A matter may be marked as being peremptory as against one or both parties. The possible sanction for failure to comply is likely to be that the court will deny any future adjournment requests treating any absence as a failure to attend.
Jacek Kloskowski Mar 30, 2017:
coś w tym sensie: cz. 1 In some cases – especially after a number of previous adjournments or with self-represented parties – consent may not be forthcoming for an adjournment request. The court will normally grant one or two adjournments of a settlement conference for any reasonable cause. However, if a party believes that another party is abusing this, the solution is to only consent to an adjournment if it is marked 'peremptory' against the party requesting it.

'Peremptory' is a code word used by the court to indicate that a party has used up any leeway that the court is prepared to grant. It effectively means that no further adjournment requests will be considered from a person against whom the matter has been marked as being peremptory. Ultimately, it is up to every judge to decide how they will rule in a specific case; there is no provision in the rules for how a noting of 'peremptory' must be handled and, accordingly, it is possible that a subsequent judge might still grant a further adjournment. This, though, should not be counted on.
Jacek Kloskowski Mar 30, 2017:
nie jestem oczywiście pewien, ale "marked peremtory" rozumiem że wyznaczony termin jest terminem ostatecznym, bez mozliwości dalszego odroczenia na wniosek obrony bez wzgledu czy będzie czy nie będzie w posiadaniu potrzebnych dokumentów. Z ta tez data zapadne ostateczne roztrzygniecie.
MonisiaG (asker) Mar 30, 2017:
no właśnie nie bardzo mi to pasuje, skoro sprawa została odroczona na inny termin to przecież nie jest ostatecznie rozstrzygnięta

Proposed translations

25 mins

uznane za (rozstrzygnięcie/przesłuchanie) ostateczne / bez mozłiwości odroczenia na naszą niekorzyść

Peremptory [pre-emp-tor-ee]
Peremptory is an adjective with a number of meanings:
Precluding or putting an end to all debate or action.
Not allowing contradiction or refusal; imperative; absolute; decisive; positive; conclusive; final; not admitting of question; not open to appeal, challenge, or delay.
Insisting on immediate attention or obedience.
Expressive of urgency or command.
Offensively self-assured or given to exercising usually unwarranted power; dictatorial; dogmatic; brusque; imperious.

eremptory trial / hearing date
When used to describe a trial or hearing date, peremptory means that the trial will proceed on that date without any further opportunity for postponement. If the party is not prepared to proceed on that date, a default ruling will be made against them.

Jurisdiction to make a trial date peremptory is found in the courts inherent jurisdiction to control its own process. A peremptory trial date may be established by the court on its own motion, or at the request of a party, to insure timely disposition of the case.

In R. v. M.W.D., 1999 YTSC 1 the Crown requested an adjournment of the trial date because some of its witnesses were unavailable. A new trial date was set and was ordered peremptory on the Crown meaning that if the Crown was not ready to proceed on that date, a judicial stay of proceedings would be entered.

Re: Peremptory on the Defendants
You're not in Michigan. It looks like certain Canadian courts use that phraseology to reflect a final order against one of the parties, so it would likely be an expression that the defendant is not going to be granted any more adjournments. Check with a lawyer in the actual jurisdiction.
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