Mar 21, 2019 13:19
5 yrs ago
7 viewers *
English term

staff assistant

English to Polish Social Sciences Government / Politics
Niewiele kontekstu niestety, w sumie jedno zdanie:

As a staff assistant for a US congressman, I watched two very smart and capable leaders compete for the coveted chief of staff position.



Jacek Kloskowski Mar 30, 2019:
Myslę ze udało mi się znalezc właściwy odpowiednik; zapraszam do lektury pod moja propozycją.
Andrzej Mierzejewski Mar 21, 2019:
Nie oglądam "House of Cards", więc o tym aspekcie nie wypowiadam się.

Co do słownika: Doroszewski podaje również: sztab budowy osiedla; sztab doradców; sztab służby - trzy niekoniecznie wojskowe określenia.

SJP PWN zawiera znaczenie: 3. «duży zespół specjalistów» - również niekoniecznie wiojskowe.

W polskich mediach:
Cały sztab doradców pisał expose dla Tuska.

Europosłowie mogą liczyć nie tylko na [...], sztab asystentów i ...

Czy sztab kongresmena składa się z asystentów, czy doradców, czy pracowników - w to nie wnikam, IMO w podanym kontekście "członek sztabu" jest synonimem dla każdego z tych określeń.

Paweł Janiszewski Mar 21, 2019:
A słownik j. polskiego to w ogóle opisuje tylko zastosowanie w kontekście sił zbrojnych:;5504688.html, więc nawet i sztab wyborczy według słownika to średnio zjadliwy jest ;/
Paweł Janiszewski Mar 21, 2019:
sztab? A czy terminu „sztab" nie stosuje się w kontekście kongresu przeważnie w odniesieniu do wyborów? Tzn. czy nie jest to tymczasowo utworzona formacja na potrzeby wyborów?

Takie mam przeczucie na podstawie House of Cards :)

Proposed translations

8 days

asystent personelu biura kongresmena

To najnizsza funkcja w hierarchii etatowych pracowników kongresu. Staf assisant to jeden z tytułow stanowisk tzw. etatowego personely kongresu USA, czasem nazywanymi "conressional staffers".

Nizej znajduje się tzw. stanowisko "entry level" czyli intern - niepłatny praktykant - woluntariusz, pracujący na zdobycie doświadczenia i ewentualnie awans na pracownika etatowego. Oczywiście są tp osoby z nimimum 4-letnimi studiami, co zwykle odpowiada tytułowi Bachelor of Arts.

Ponizej przykladowy zakres obowiazkow (dosc dokładny, jesli komuś się chce czytać):

Job Description




The Receptionist/Staff Assistant greets visitors, answers the telephone and answers constituent requests for general information, tours, and other inquiries. This position also monitors delivery and pickup of materials, maintains the front office, and assists with various administrative and legislative duties.

Completion of a four year college education is preferred for this position.
A minimum of experience is required, but congressional internship
experience is preferred.


Ability to use photocopier, facsimile machine, telephone, and other office equipment;
Excellent organizational and proofreading skills;
Ability to perform essential job functions above;
Professional telephone manner;
Ability to work cooperatively and courteously with others;
Knowledge of office policies, practices, and procedures;
Knowledge of office computer applications; and
Proficiency in word processing.

jak wspomniałem, jest najniższe rangą stanowisko w hierarchi pracowników etatowych kongresu USA, co odzwierciedla ich pensja:

Title----------------Average House annual salary (2009)---------House staffers with title (2009)

Staff assistant-----$29,890.51-------------------------------------1072

Ciekawy opis roli i zadań przypisanych do stanowiska "staff asistant" znalazłem tutaj:

I began my stint in Congress as an intern on a committee staff and eventually transitioned into a member’s office.

My days as an intern began a bit earlier than the professional staffers’, starting around 7:30 a.m., since I was the one to open the office: collect and distribute the newspapers and mail waiting in the morning, open up the phones, check the office voice mail, and yes, get the coffee machine ready (even though most of the staffers above me would get their coffee from one of the cafeterias or from outside—or send me to go get it). I would spend the majority of my time greeting people as they came to the office, giving Capitol tours for constituents, and taking phone calls. This work was routine and repetitive—not a whole lot of satisfaction aside from knowing how privileged I was to be working in the halls of Congress (which I’ll admit, is a damned fine privilege). There might be some other work as assigned—gathering signatures for letters, running messages to members, etc.—but I didn’t get to do much substantive work since it wasn’t expected that I’d be picked up as permanent staff. I was usually sent home around 5 p.m.

At this juncture, my biggest fear was getting an angry constituent phone call that I couldn’t handle or doing something that I felt was innocuous but would end up bruising someone’s ego. Those might be apparently small things to be afraid of, but interns are utterly disposable; so if that angry constituent went on to complaint to the right (or wrong) people, or that bruised staffer on up, the job could be over very quickly.

My aspiration, however, was to have a long career on Capitol Hill, so I was eager to learn the roles of the staffers above me. It also meant that I ensured that I did even the most routine tasks with the utmost professionalism in order to demonstrate the kind of value I could provide to the office and the member if hired on as a professional staffer.

Eventually, I was picked up as a staff assistant, and my duties stayed pretty much the same as before, except now I was being paid and was invited more frequently to meetings with the legislative staff and constituent groups, lobbyists, and briefings with the member. Since I was permanent staff, the others in the office felt more comfortable showing me the ropes and trusting me with some basic research and legislative projects. Most of these projects involved diving into the histories of previous legislation—where they failed and succeeded, who were the players, etc.—and developing background briefs on pending issues. I also spent a lot of time working with the office’s legislative correspondent (the staffer whose primary function it is to sort and respond to the volumes of constituent mail the office receives in a day) to identify trends in constituents’ letters. My days bumped up to about 10 or 11 hours on average.

At this point, my biggest fear, frankly, was being able to support myself, as the salary was not at all generous. My parents were happy to let me live with them for a while, but that was just good luck that I happened to be a Washington-area native. Most staffers I know and worked with live with many housemates, many of whom are also congressional staff, in order to be able to live and work in Washington on an entry-level staffer’s salary. (And it doesn’t get much better until you get to senior legislative assistant or legislative director.) This does add significantly to staffers’ stress, as they’re living in one of the most expensive cities in the U.S.

wiecej o hierarchii personelu etatowego jak i o otoczcce pracy dla kongresu USA mozna znależć tutaj (w szczególnosci dla tych którzy nie ogladali House of Cards a są zainteresowani):
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
6 mins

członek sztabu (kongresmena)

Np. - porównaj tekst EN i PL w akapicie o pracy dla Gov. John C. West.

Nie wiem, czy potrzeba bardziej dokładnie.
Peer comment(s):

agree Adrian Liszewski
16 hrs
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4 mins


Moim zdaniem po prostu tak.

Note added at 5 mins (2019-03-21 13:24:55 GMT)

"Biuro patologa powiatu Cook oficjalnie potwierdziło, że śmierć 55-letniej Marianne Viverito, asystentki kongresmena Lipinskiego"

Note added at 10 mins (2019-03-21 13:29:55 GMT)

"Senator zatrudnia 20 staffersów, czyli pełnoetatowych pracowników, w tym szefa personelu, sekretarki, pięciu asystentów legislacyjnych i trzy osoby od komunikacji z mediami,",1,jak...

Note added at 11 mins (2019-03-21 13:30:51 GMT)

Propozycję podałem jakoś tak automatycznie w formie żeńskiej, ale oczywiście ma to też obejmować asystenta :)
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