Glossary entry

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Latvian translation:


Jul 8, 2009 12:46
15 yrs ago
English term


GBK English to Latvian Medical Cosmetics, Beauty
Definition from
A thickening agent and/or binding agent added to products to change their physical composition (joins two or more ingredients together). For example, it can turn a lotion into a cream.
Example sentences:
Creams are made by pre-mixing all the materials forming the fat-phase, that is, the emulsifier, consistency agent (Cocoa or Shea butter) and vegetable oils. (Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy)
Any personal care product that contains both water based and oil based ingredients must also contain an emulsifier. It is the emulsifier that enables these two normally repellent ingredients to mix together to form a cream or lotion. (Green People)
The reason the fat does not float to the top immediately is due to the presence of emulsifiers; in this case, a milk protein called sodium caseinate as well as several phopholipids. (Cosmetic Chemistry)
Proposed translations (Latvian)
5 +2 emulgators
Change log

Jul 8, 2009 12:43: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"

Jul 8, 2009 12:46: Enrique Cavalitto changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"

Jul 11, 2009 12:55: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Selection"

Sep 6, 2009 16:54: changed "Stage" from "Selection" to "Completion"


mjbjosh Jul 8, 2009:

Proposed translations

10 days


Termins ir iztulkots Akadēmisko Terminu vārdnīcā
Definition from Evielas:
Emulgators nodrošina divu vai vairāku nesajaucamu pārtikas produkta daļu sajaukšanos un homogēna maisījuma uzturēšanu.
Example sentences:
Kosmētikā eļļas tiek emulģētas ar ūdeni, lai iegūtu krēmus, losjonus, pieniņus, sviestus, skrubjus, maskas un kondicionierus. Lai pagatavotu šādas - ūdens/eļļas emulsijas ir nepieciešams emulgators, jeb viela, kas padara šo maisījumu stabilu un ūdeni ar eļļu savienotu. No dabā un pārtikā izmantojamiem emulgatoriem populārākais ir olas dzeltenums, jeb pareizāk- lecitīns, kas atrodams tā sastāvā. (BBfactory)
Lai kosmētika iegūtu vajadzīgo konsistenci un mīkstumu, tai nepieciešami emulgatori, kuru industriālā ražošana ir videi riskanta un patērē daudz enerģijas. Dabīgajā kosmētikā emulgatorus iegūst no cukura, bišu vaska, citronskābes, pienskābes un citām vielām, neizmantojot ķīmiskas vielas. Tāpēc emulgatori un saistvielas, ko izmanto dabīgajā kosmētikā, arī ātrāk sadalās vidē. Tāpat ir ar kosmētikā izmantojamajiem antistatiķiem un citām sastāvdaļām. (Diena)
Peer comment(s):

agree Eurotext SIA
43 days
agree Kristīne Biezā
49 days
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