English term
voice off / written
Voice off: xxxxxxxxxx
Written: xxxxxxxxxx
John Smith: xxxxxxxxx
Vice off: xxxxxxxxx
How would you translate them into Japanese?
Anyone who are familiar with media, please help me.
2 | 画面外の声 / 字幕 | Kazumichi Sato (X) |
PRO (1): KathyT
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Proposed translations
画面外の声 / 字幕
http://www.google.com/search?q="voice off camera"&nu...
It is also refered as "voice over":
voice over
http://dic.yahoo.co.jp/bin/dsearch?p=voice over&stype=0&...
But nowadays voice over=ボイスオーバー expresses 吹き替え too:
http://www.google.com/search?num=50&hl=ja&q=voice ov...
So I think 画面外の声 is the most likely candidate for "voice off":
"written" might be expressed as "字幕":
But how to translate "written" is deeply depends on the following content indicated as "xxxxxxxxxx". If "xxxxxxxxxx" is something like written words by the actor/actress on a black board, then we have to translate it to "書かれた内容". If "xxxxxxxxxx"is something like indicated phrases such as "1980 Dec 31" on the center of the screen, then ..... I don't know. It might be also "字幕" but I'm not sure.
"Voice off" refers to a section of transcript of a"spoken line(s)," and
"Written" refers to a section of transcript of a "written line(s)."
Do anyone know how to say these in Japanese MEDIA TERMINOLOGY? THANK YOU IN ADVANCE.