Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

assisted living facility

Italian translation:

Strutture con servizi assistenziali integrati

Added to glossary by Marina Della torre
Sep 26, 2018 21:13
6 yrs ago
20 viewers *
English term

assisted living facility

English to Italian Social Sciences Medical (general) Gov. Cuomo press release
With a range of mixed-use residential and commercial spaces, an **assisted living facility**, established businesses, and many park and recreation amenities, the area is poised to attract additional investment to its developable land and available buildings.
Change log

Sep 26, 2018 21:36: writeaway changed "Field" from "Other" to "Tech/Engineering" , "Field (write-in)" from "dichiarazione" to "Gov. Cuomo press release"

Sep 28, 2018 22:49: writeaway changed "Field" from "Tech/Engineering" to "Social Sciences"

Oct 1, 2018 11:46: Marina Della torre Created KOG entry


Stuart and Aida Nelson Sep 28, 2018:
II. Assisted living vs sheltered housing As Francesca has rightly pointed out ,"the concept of assisted living is very common in English, and not as common in Italian". Therefore, I think that the closest concept comparable to the aforementioned description is a comparable service offered by the ' Ministero della Salute': "assistenza residenziale e semiresidenziale", secondo la definizione del Ministero della Salute, si intende: -Il complesso integrato di interventi, procedure ed attività sanitarie e socio-sanitarie erogate a persone non autosufficienti e non assistibili a domicilio, all'interno di idonei "nuclei accreditati" per la specifica funzione-" I am not saying that it is the same service but a comparable service. Therefore I would propose to translate assisted living facility as ' servizio di assistenza residenziale' or something along those lines.
Stuart and Aida Nelson Sep 28, 2018:
I. Assisted living vs sheltered housing The concept of assisted living and sheltered housing is the same . If you see in my reference I have now included an explanation of assisted living: "You live in a self-contained flat, with your own front door, but staff are usually available up to 24 hours per day to provide personal care and support services. These are tailored to you and can include help with washing, dressing, going to the toilet and taking medication. Domestic help, such as shopping and laundry, and meals may also be provided". The difference between assisted living and sheltered housing is in the regulation: " Unlike sheltered housing, assisted living housing is regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC)"
Stuart and Aida Nelson Sep 28, 2018:
@ writeaway - Link relating to question Thank you for the link. This must be a huge project and it confirms my idea that the **assisted living facility** is the help provided to elderly/disabled residents who live independently in self-contained flats.

Governor Cuomo Announces City of Amsterdam as $10 Million Mohawk Valley Winner of Third-Round Downtown Revitalization Initiative
Stuart and Aida Nelson Sep 28, 2018:
Assisted living facility = sheltered housing Is also known in the UK as 'sheltered housing'. Sheltered housing usually consists of self-contained flats where elderly or disabled people still can live independently but are offered help for different things like maintenance of the flats, cleaning, helping them getting out of the flat if they are on a wheelchair, etc. Please see my reference below. This is not a care home or an institute.

Proposed translations

3 hrs

Strutture con servizi assistenziali integrati

Trovato tradotto con " strutture di vita assistita" ma penso sia tradotto con TM
Peer comment(s):

neutral Stuart and Aida Nelson : The idea is right but as you said it is probably a translation with TM.// Yes, yours is a very good option!
6 hrs
I agree with you " strutture di vita assistita" doesn't sound in italian, but I think my First translation "strutture con servizi assistenziali integrati" could be a good option.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
59 mins

Istituto di residenza assistita ...
La traduzione viene dal primo risultato di linguee, scelto perché la fonte è eur.lex

Note added at 1 hr (2018-09-26 22:15:46 GMT)

Alcuni dei risultati per l'italiano:
Peer comment(s):

neutral Stuart and Aida Nelson : I think this is the right idea but it is not an institute. See discussion.
8 hrs
The choice of my translation comes from eur-lex database, which I supposed was a trusting source. I was thinking that "istituto" had a general meaning, which could fit in this case.
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10 hrs

struttura di alloggi protetti

non è specificato a chi è destinata, mi sembra
potrebbe essere per anziani ma anche per persone in difficoltà, disabili ecc.

diverso da casa di riposo:
Alloggi “Casa Laura”
L’attuale tipologia di strutture e i tradizionali servizi presenti sul “mercato”, ci hanno messo nella condizione di pensare a una nuova e innovativa offerta di servizi a favore di quella popolazione anziana di oggi e di domani, che non risulti ancora nella condizione di gravità per essere accolta in una tradizionale “Casa di riposo”, ma che sia messa comunque a rischio in termini di prevenzione e di protezione dalla permanenza al proprio domicilio.

Alloggi protetti per anziani e soggetti disagiati - APA
la costruzione di alloggi innovativi per anziani e soggetti in condizioni di disagio ... La STRUTTURA di NUOVA REALIZZAZIONE, che costituisce il CUORE DEL.

Inaugurazione alloggi protetti per anziani "Centro Don Vecchi ...
... Veneto, è lieta di presentare sabato 15 ottobre 2011 alle ore 9.30 l'inaugurazione della nuova struttura di alloggi protetti per anziani "Centro Don Vecchi", v.
[PDF]programma allegato alla convenzione tra il comune di riva del garda e ...

dal Responsabile della struttura di alloggi protetti “Casa Mielli”;. - dal Funzionario responsabile dell'Unità Operativa politiche sociali del Comune di Riva.
Sandro Ghiozzi Architetto | Il blog di un architetto milanese
19 feb 2013 - La nuova struttura di alloggi protetti per anziani, che si insedierà in parte anche all'interno dell'esistente centro polifunzionale dell'Acero, ...
Peer comment(s):

agree writeaway
1 hr
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1 hr

casa di riposo

oppure anche "residenza assistita", anche se in italiano è usato meno frequentemente

Note added at 1 day 11 hrs (2018-09-28 08:31:13 GMT)
Peer comment(s):

agree José Patrício : residenza assistita e in residenze per anziani -
39 mins
neutral Stuart and Aida Nelson : I don't think this is what is meant here. Casa di riposo would be 'care home'. This is about sheltered housing.// But it is not a 'casa di reposo' for sure. It could be a 'residenza' but this site here seems to be a big complex of buildings.
8 hrs
I do understand what it means, it’s just that the concept of assisted living is very common in English, and not as common in Italian, and I think the closest equivalent would be one of the two suggestions I gave.
agree Davide Leone
2 days 14 hrs
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1 day 19 hrs

strutture residenziali a carattere socio-assistenziale

Sono delle residenze destinate a persone adulte che, a causa di disabilità fisiche o mentali, soggiornano in queste strutture dove hanno diverse forme di assistenza, al di fuori di quella medico-sanitaria.
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9 hrs

[complesso residenziale] con assistenza residenziale

Please excuse the redundancy of 'resindeziale' but this is only to explain what is meant with'assisted living facility'.

Please see my reference below for the whole definition of the concept.

I have found the following link within the context of the help provided by the 'Ministero della Salute' to elderly people or to people with some kind of disabilities, which also fits this concept very well:

Assistenza Residenziale [e Semiresidenziale]

Con "assistenza residenziale e semiresidenziale", secondo la definizione del Ministero della Salute, si intende: -Il complesso integrato di interventi, procedure ed attività sanitarie e socio-sanitarie erogate a persone non autosufficienti e non assistibili a domicilio, all'interno di idonei "nuclei accreditati" per la specifica funzione-.
L'assistenza residenziale e quella semiresidenziale, rivestono una importanza crescente a causa del progressivo invecchiamento della popolazione e della conseguente presenza di patologie di carattere cronico-degenerativo. Per governare e monitorare l'erogazione dei livelli essenziali di assistenza è quindi sempre più indispensabile rilevare anche le prestazioni residenziali e semiresidenziali erogate sul territorio.

Note added at 2 days 11 mins (2018-09-28 21:25:03 GMT)

Another proposal: Servizio di assistenza residenziale
Peer comment(s):

agree Francesco Badolato
1 day 13 hrs
Grazie :)
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Reference comments

24 mins


SEPTEMBER 26, 2018 Albany, NY
Governor Cuomo Announces City of Amsterdam as $10 Million Mohawk Valley Winner of Third-Round Downtown Revitalization Initiative

The focus of the Amsterdam DRI spans the Mohawk River to encompass a segment of the historic downtown as well as new downtown areas that have emerged as the city continues to grow and evolve. With a range of mixed-use residential and commercial spaces, an assisted living facility, established businesses, and many park and recreation amenities, the area is poised to attract additional investment to its developable land and available buildings.
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9 hrs

What is sheltered housing?

Sheltered housing, also known as retirement housing, is accommodation specifically designed for older people (or younger disabled people) to allow them to live independently.

Sheltered housing usually consists of self-contained flats with communal facilities. In most cases, they are available to people aged over 60, although some schemes may be open to those over 55 years old.

How sheltered housing works
Such accommodation can be bought or rented (see Privately funded sheltered housing), either by individuals or couples. Residents can pay for sheltered housing privately (out of their own funds) or, if they meet certain eligibility criteria (see Council and housing association sheltered housing), they can apply to be allocated sheltered housing by their local council or housing association.

Note added at 1 day 23 hrs (2018-09-28 20:47:40 GMT)

Assisted living and extra-care housing
Assisted living (also known as extra-care housing) is a type of ‘housing with care’ which means you retain independence while you're assisted with tasks such as washing, dressing, going to the toilet or taking medication.

What's assisted living?
Assisted living (also known as extra-care housing) offers more support than sheltered housing but still allows you to live independently.

You live in a self-contained flat, with your own front door, but staff are usually available up to 24 hours per day to provide personal care and support services. These are tailored to you and can include help with washing, dressing, going to the toilet and taking medication. Domestic help, such as shopping and laundry, and meals may also be provided.

Common features of assisted living accommodation include:

help from a scheme manager (warden) or a team of support staff
24-hour emergency help through an alarm system.
social activities arranged for the community.
a minimum age for residents, usually 55 or 60.
self-contained flats allow you to stay independent.
communal lounges allowing you to socialise as and when you feel like it.
Some extra-care housing is available to buy or rent privately and some is available from the local council following a care needs
assessment, but it isn’t available in every area.
Unlike sheltered housing, assisted living housing is regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). They inspect the facilities and provide ratings.
Peer comments on this reference comment:

neutral writeaway : not the same thing as assisted living
1 day 3 hrs
The concept is the same. See discussion as well.
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