May 28, 2019 08:57
5 yrs ago
2 viewers *
English term

chip-matched filter / matched filters

English to Italian Tech/Engineering Engineering (general)
Come tradurreste "chip-matched filter" e "matched filters"?
Mi sono permesso di inserire due termini nel post, dato che traducendo "chip-matched filter" si ottenga immagino direttamente la traduzione anche di "matched filters".

Nella seguente frase compaiono entrambi diverse volte:

"The "chip matched filter" may be a matched filter, matched to the chip being received. The use of matched filters is commonplace in sophisticated receiver systems, a matched filter being a filter whose impulse response is the time reverse of the known signal. Such a filter is very difficult to implement in analogue technology for typical DS-SS signals. However, the implementation of a Matched Filter for signals of the type considered here can be simplified by taking account of the fact that the wanted signal is a sequence of identical pulses. It can then be shown that a Matched Filter could in theory be implemented by first filtering the received signal using a filter matched to a single pulse and then sampling the output of that filter and correlating it with the known reference sequence, the spacing of samples into the correlator being one per chip. . It is not possible to implement such an initial filter exactly (because of the rectangular shape of its required impulse response) but a close approximation can be implemented, this being a chip matched filter. Note that the terms "matched filter" and "chip matched filter" are used synonymously herein."

"The chip matched filters may be implemented as digital Finite Impulse Response (FIR) (also known as feedforward) filters. Because the chip shapes generally used in GNSS can be well approximated by waveforms which take only the values +1 or -1, the chip matched filters typically do not require general purpose multiplier circuits, but instead only require circuits which can multiply signal samples by +1 or -1 (the former requiring effectively no operation, and the latter being a simple negation operation)."

"The chip matched filter can be arranged to have an impulse response close to that of a Matched Filter for one chip. As explained previously, the combination of a Matched Filter, sampling of its output at one sample per chip, and correlating the result with the known reference sequence can provide almost optimum detection of the wanted signal in noise."

" Many digital receiver systems employ matched filters to provide a signal to noise improvement in their received signals. Currently known GNSS receivers do not incorporate matched filters, due to problems with their implementation. This is because a typical receiver would need to implement many such matched filters, due to the many different possible signals that could be received, e.g. to account for different coding schemes and chip rates etc."



Daniela Cannarella May 28, 2019:
matched filter di solito si traduce come "filtro adattato" (

Proposed translations

1 day 1 hr

filtro adattato al chip

"Chip" qui non è il microprocessore, ma il sottointervallo ("fettina", in questo senso chip) di bit della modulazione DSSS (spettro espanso a sequenza diretta), che ho sempre visto tradotto come "chip" .
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6 mins

filtro adattato (adeguato) al microprocessore / filtri adattati/adeguati/abbinati

Filtro adattato - Wikipedia
Nelle telecomunicazioni un filtro adattato o filtro ottimo (originariamente conosciuto come filtro di North) è ottenuto correlando un segnale conosciuto con un ...
Mancanti: microprocessori"
Filtro adattato -
Un ricevitore a filtro adattato effettua una decisione di massima verosimiglianza↓ (vedi § 5.6.3↑) a riguardo della presenza (ipotesi H1) o assenza (ipotesi H0) ...
Mancanti: microprocessori"
[PDF]Trasmissione in banda base: filtro adattato - home page risorse
filtro adattato. 2. Fondamenti di Segnali e Trasmissione. Trasmissione digitale in banda base. Data una sequenza di dati numerici, vogliamo trasmetterla su un.
Mancanti: microprocessori"
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