Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

due to the Seconded Staff be responsible to solve any problem

Indonesian translation:

yang menjadi hak Staf yang Diperbantukan, dan bertanggung jawab memecahkan masalah apa pun

Added to glossary by Faisal Mustafa
Jan 23, 2014 13:07
10 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

due to the Seconded Staff be responsible to solve any problem

English to Indonesian Law/Patents Law: Contract(s)
MLD shall remain responsible for any statutory sick pay, statutory maternity pay or any like statutory payments due to the Seconded Staff be responsible to solve any problem that arise between MLD and their Seconded Staff

Proposed translations

1 hr

yang menjadi hak Staf yang Diperbantukan, dan bertanggung jawab memecahkan masalah apa pun

Saya merasa bahwa ada kata yang hilang di dalam kalimat, yaitu and. Rekonstruksinya adalah sebagai berikut:

MLD shall remain:
★ responsible for any statutory sick pay, statutory maternity pay or any like statutory payments due to the Seconded Staff, AND

★ responsible to solve any problem that arise between MLD and their Seconded Staff

Jadi, MLD tetap mengemban dua tanggung jawab:

1-membayar tunjangan2 wajib seperti tunjangan sakit, dsb. yang menjadi hak Staf yang Diperbantukan ( due to the seconded staff ) ==> lihat REF ke-3 u/ contoh kalimat dalam makna ini.

2-memecahkan setiap masalah (be responsible to solve any problem) antara pihaknya dan para staf itu.

Apa dasar dugaan kata hilang ini?

√ Karena dalam tata bahasa Inggris, due to + noun harus diikuti oleh gerund (-ing form) (misalnya being), bukan infinitive, sementara di kalimat yang muncul adalah infinitive (yakni, be). Contoh bisa dilihat di referensi.,

Jadi, pada terjemahan, sisipkan dan; ini akan menjadi nilai tambah karena menunjukkan ketelitian dan kepedulian terhadap naskah yang dikerjakan.

This is not only due to him being my father, and me living with him during his last years....
In 1894 Philip Morris was for the most part controlled by William Curtis Thomason and his family, due to the company being taken over by creditors.\TCDOCS\TCREPS\2007\07...
The statutory redundancy payment due to the employee, must be deducted from the compensation payment.

Note added at 1 hr (2014-01-23 14:34:09 GMT)

Maaf, konstruksinya perlu diralat sedikit:

MLD shall:
★ remain responsible for ... Seconded Staff, AND

★ be responsible to solve ,, Seconded Staff
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36 mins

karena staf yang diperbantukan bertanggung jawab untuk mengatasi setiap masalah

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agree Dani Karuniawan : idem ibid
12 hrs
Terima kasih.
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