Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
guerilla geographer
Greek translation:
Αντισυμβατικός Γεωγράφος
Added to glossary by
Anastasia Kalantzi
Apr 11, 2022 10:58
2 yrs ago
16 viewers *
English term
Guerilla Geographer
English to Greek
Αφορά ντοκιμαντέρ του National Geographic
"My name is Dan Raven Ellison
and I'm a guerilla geographer".
"My name is Dan Raven Ellison
and I'm a guerilla geographer".
Proposed translations
4 +3 | Αντισυμβατικός Γεωγράφος | Anastasia Kalantzi |
4 | βιωματικός γεωγράφος | GeoS |
Change log
Apr 13, 2022 05:38: Anastasia Kalantzi Created KOG entry
Proposed translations
4 hrs
Αντισυμβατικός Γεωγράφος
Θα μπορούσαμε να δούμε προτάσεις όπως: Guerrilla gardening is a growing movement among ecologically-conscious city dwellers, καταλαβαίνοντας ότι πρόκειται για κάτι ασυνήθιστο, αντισυμβατικό, σαν τον ανταρτοπόλεμο των τότε χρόνων, που ήταν καθώς ξέρουμε ο ανορθόδοξος πόλεμος. Κάπως έτσι λοιπόν αντιμετωπίζουμε και τα μυστήρια της Φύσης, σαν μυστήρια, με ανορθόδοξο, οικολογικό και αντισυμβατικό τρόπο.
This is all about daring people to challenge preconceptions about places; engage in social and environmental justice; and form deeper, more active community connections.
What is guerrilla geography?
Guerilla geography is a free-form approach to place-based education that encourages learners to be creative and unconventional in their exploration and understanding of their local environment by focusing largely on what is meaningful to them (Askins & Raven-Ellison, 2012; Larsen & Tabor, 2016).
What does literate mean in geography?
Geographical literacy refers to the ability to build and apply geographical knowledge, understanding and skills to explore, discuss, analyse and communicate geographical information, concepts and ideas in a variety of ways.
Note added at 4 ώρες (2022-04-11 15:20:54 GMT)
The adjective “guerrilla” can be viewed as primitive (with an emphasis on “primate”) or relating to unconventional warfare, like the kind used ...
This is all about daring people to challenge preconceptions about places; engage in social and environmental justice; and form deeper, more active community connections.
What is guerrilla geography?
Guerilla geography is a free-form approach to place-based education that encourages learners to be creative and unconventional in their exploration and understanding of their local environment by focusing largely on what is meaningful to them (Askins & Raven-Ellison, 2012; Larsen & Tabor, 2016).
What does literate mean in geography?
Geographical literacy refers to the ability to build and apply geographical knowledge, understanding and skills to explore, discuss, analyse and communicate geographical information, concepts and ideas in a variety of ways.
Note added at 4 ώρες (2022-04-11 15:20:54 GMT)
The adjective “guerrilla” can be viewed as primitive (with an emphasis on “primate”) or relating to unconventional warfare, like the kind used ...
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Comment: "Ευχσριστώ. "
1 hr
βιωματικός γεωγράφος
Δεδομένου ότι δεν πρόκειται για την "τυπική" γεωγραφία και περιλαμβάνει δραστηριότητες χωρίς σαφείς και οριοθετημένες δράσεις, όπου ο μελετητής βιώνει ελεύθερα το εξεταζόμενο περιβάλλον, νομίζω ότι ο όρος "βιωματικός" ταιριάζει αρκετά στο αντικείμενο.
Note added at 4 hrs (2022-04-11 15:58:15 GMT)
Συγνώμη. Ξέχασα να προσθέσω και αυτό.βιωματικη-μαθησ...
Note added at 4 hrs (2022-04-11 15:58:15 GMT)
Συγνώμη. Ξέχασα να προσθέσω και αυτό.βιωματικη-μαθησ...
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