Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

bidding area (aka spot-price area)

Greek translation:

περιοχή τιμολόγησης/περιοχή τοπικής τιμής

Added to glossary by m_a_a_
Aug 19, 2016 14:44
8 yrs ago
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English term

bidding area (aka spot-price area)

English to Greek Tech/Engineering Energy / Power Generation
Market splitting means that the electricity market is sometimes divided into sub‐markets, known as bidding areas (also known as spot price areas). Prices are determined by production and consumption within the respective area, as well as the capacity to transmit power to and from that area.


Nick Lingris Aug 30, 2016:
Δεν γνωρίζω το κείμενό σου και αν είναι το ίδιο με το παράθεμά σου. Στο παράθεμα διατηρούμε τη σημασία της διαπραγμάτευσης, όπως κάνει και ο αγγλικός όρος σε όλα τα στάδια της ύπαρξής του. Δεν βάζει πουθενά νερό στην έννοια του bidding.
m_a_a_ (asker) Aug 30, 2016:
Άρα, κατά τη διαδικασία της δημοπρασίας μιλάμε για «περιοχές διαπραγμάτευσης». Όταν όμως πια προκύψουν οι τιμές, τσιμπήσουν κι οι πρώτοι καταναλωτές, και γενικότερα περάσει στο στάδιο της ηλεκτροδότησης κατοικιών η χ ψ επιχείρηση, τι θα αναγράφεται στο λογαριασμό;
Nick Lingris Aug 30, 2016:
Χρηματιστήριο είναι. Δημοπρασίες (auctions) κάνουν. Αυτό σημαίνει το bidding. Από τη διαπραγμάτευση, από τις υποβαλλόμενες προσφορές, προκύπτουν οι τοπικές τιμές. Δεν πρόκειται για τιμές που αποφασίζονται με κριτήρια εταιρικά.
Άλλη μια πηγή:
m_a_a_ (asker) Aug 30, 2016:
I believe I'll go with my own suggestion in this case - «περιοχή τιμολόγησης».
Although I understand your objection, transphy, applicable as it is in most contexts, that is not to say that it applies in this case as well. After all, we are talking about areas that differ from one another in terms of electricity price.
And infrequently encountered as my suggested term may be, it still seems to me to be the one that best serves my needs: there are, by the way, quite a few articles on the Internet hosting criticism against ΔΕΗ for having plans of adopting «τιμολογιακή πολιτική ανά περιοχή»...
As for Nick's suggestion I feel there are too many stock market connotations. My first spontaneous interpretation of his term «περιοχή διαπραγμάτευσης» would be something like "trading range", as it is used in the fourth link (from on the page he himself is referring to. It just happened that a university student used the same term to describe what I am talking about.
I'll give the vote to Pericles, however, for «περιφέρειες τοπικής τιμής», but I'll stick to «περιοχή».
transphy Aug 20, 2016:
I don't think 'pricing' and 'bidding' are interchangeable. I suggest,
As per Nick's proposition, <«περιοχή διαπραγμάτευσης»> or
as per Pericles' " < "περιφέρειες προσφοράς">.
Mine is wrong!!
m_a_a_ (asker) Aug 20, 2016:
Wikipedia uses the more self-explanatory term "Electricity price area" ( As far as my understanding goes, however, it's referring to the same thing, so I'm not so sure I get your point, Transphy... Perhaps, "περιοχή τιμολόγησης" would be worth considering, perhaps not...
transphy Aug 19, 2016:
Your text is the following:-
Market splitting means that the electricity market is sometimes divided into sub‐
markets, known as bidding areas(also known as spot price areas).
Electricity trade in the Nordic region

Therefore, <bidding area> refers to bids FOR a region, and NOT THE PLACE THAT BIDDING TAKES PLACE. In which case, NICK'S ' «περιοχή διαπραγμάτευσης» proposition is correct. OR, maybe more to the point I would suggest, 'διαπραμάτευση διά περιοχή', as, maybe, more to the point.
Nick Lingris Aug 19, 2016:
Μου αρέσει και η απόδοση «περιοχή διαπραγμάτευσης», όπως εδώ:αγορά ηλεκτρικής "περιοχή δια...

Αν θέλετε, τη βάζετε και στο γλωσσάρι.
m_a_a_ (asker) Aug 19, 2016:
What I provided was the definition of the term.<br>
For further reading see:
The term appears, however, in a form, as part of an invoice from a solar power company...<br>
ID number of the location: 18-digit number<br>
ID number of the area: 3-letter codename<br>
Bidding area/Spot price area: X (1 digit)

Proposed translations

15 mins

bidding area

"The spot price is the current market price at which an asset is bought or sold for immediate payment and delivery. It is differentiated from the forward price or the futures price, which are prices at which an asset can be bought or sold for delivery in the future."

perhaps "περιφέρειες προσφοράς (αλλιώς περιφέρεις τοπικής τιμής [ή τιμής spot]......

I am not certain about this, but based on the above definition this is how I would translate it.
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31 mins

τόπος(υποβολής) προσφορών(αλλοιώς, τόπος (υποβολής), άμεσων προσφορών.)

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