Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

certified copy of a registerof Marriages....

Greek translation:

επικυρωμένο αντίγραφο ληξιαρχικής πράξης γάμου

Added to glossary by STAMATIOS FASSOULAKIS
Mar 19, 2017 21:11
7 yrs ago
31 viewers *
English term

certified copy of a registerof Marriages....

English to Greek Other Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs ΠΙΣΤΟΠΟΙΗΤΙΚ�
CERTIFIED to be a true copy of an entry in the certified copy of a register of Marriages in the registration district of...
το δεύτερο certified copy of a register of Marriages μπερδεύει. Είναι πιστοποιητικό του 1961 με παράξενη ορολογία.


STAMATIOS FASSOULAKIS (asker) Mar 20, 2017:
Thanks again Dave.
Dave Bindon Mar 20, 2017:
If you want to avoid repetition, maybe you could use πιστοποιημένο αντίγραφο and refer to the register as either επικυρωμένος or επίσημος.
STAMATIOS FASSOULAKIS (asker) Mar 20, 2017:
Is the two certified that confuse me.
STAMATIOS FASSOULAKIS (asker) Mar 20, 2017:
Thank you Dave. Any idea how to translate it in Greek? What is your proposal?
Dave Bindon Mar 20, 2017:
In England and Wales there is a physical, original register of marriages which is signed by the bride and groom and witnesses. These are held at a local level. Then, certified copies of the registers are made so that the information is available at a regional and national level. Anyone requiring a copy of a "marriage certificate" (as it's unofficially known), whether it's their own certificate needed for bureaucratic reasons or another certificate to be used for genealogy, is most likely to apply to the national General Register Office rather than the regional Registry, so the "certified copy of an entry" is taken from a "certified copy of a register" and not from the original register.

The same applies to births and deaths: there are local registers and there are certified copies of those registers used at a national level. The system came into effect in 1837. Prior to that there were only registers of baptisms, marriages and burials maintained by individual churches, but those registers were copied and sent to the local bishop, so the "Bishop's Transcript" could be consulted at a regional level without the need to visit a specific church.
Dave Bindon Mar 20, 2017:
In England and Wales there is a physical, original register of marriages which is signed by the bride and groom and witnesses. These are held at a local level. Then, certified copies of the registers are made so that the information is available at a regional and national level. Anyone requiring a copy of a "marriage certificate" (as it's unofficially known), whether it's their own certificate needed for bureaucratic reasons or another certificate to be used for genealogy, is most likely to apply to the national General Register Office rather than the regional Registry, so the "certified copy of an entry" is taken from a "certified copy of a register" and not from the original register.

The same applies to births and deaths: there are local registers and there are certified copies of those registers used at a national level. The system came into effect in 1837. Prior to that there were only registers of baptisms, marriages and burials maintained by individual churches, but those registers were copied and sent to the local bishop, so the "Bishop's Transcript" could be consulted at a regional level without the need to visit a specific church.
STAMATIOS FASSOULAKIS (asker) Mar 20, 2017:
certified copy of a register of marriages Σε επαφή με τον πελάτη μου έδωσε την εξής απάντηση:
Certified copies 21. Where a certified copy of an entry in a marriage register book containing English only, or in a certified copy of such a book, is made on a form containing both English and Welsh but the particulars in the original entry and those entered in the certified copy of that entry do not differ in any other respect, the certified copy is to be treated as a true copy of the original entry
Vasilisso Mar 19, 2017:
Μόλις έψαξα στο google και φαίνεται ότι υπάρχουν πολλά τέτοια έγγραφα. Ίσως να μην είναι εσφαλμένη η φράση, αλλά και πάλι δεν βγαίνει πολύ νόημα.

Εύλογα απορεί κάποιος εδώ: I didn't upload the full page of the marriage cert but yes it does say that it is a 'Certified copy of an entry of marriage... Certified to be a true copy of an entry in the certified copy of a register of Marriages...' (A copy of a copy?)
STAMATIOS FASSOULAKIS (asker) Mar 19, 2017:
Από Αγγλία 1961 ένα πιστοποιητικό γάμου και ένα πιστοποιητικό γεννήσεως και στα δύο τα κείμενα είναι τυπωμένα εκτός από τα ονόματα που είναι χειρόγραφα;Στο ένα Marriages και στο άλλο birth.
Vasilisso Mar 19, 2017:
Λογικά υπάρχει λάθος. Πιθανόν να ήθελε να γράψει:

CERTIFIED to be a true copy of an entry in the register of Marriages

Επικυρωμένο αντίγραφο καταχώρισης στο μητρώο γάμων

Από ποια χώρα είναι το έγγραφο; Είναι χειρόγραφο;
STAMATIOS FASSOULAKIS (asker) Mar 19, 2017:
Ευχαριστώ Βασίλη αλλά η απορία μου είναι που αναφέρει δυο φορές το certified στην αρχή και ενδιάμεσα !!!!

Proposed translations

9 mins
English term (edited): certified copy of a register of marriages....

επικυρωμένο αντίγραφο ληξιαρχικής πράξης γάμου

Peer comment(s):

agree rokotas : Θα γράψεις ότι: Βεβαιώνεται ότι είναι γνήσιο αντίγραφο ληξιαρχικής πράξης γάμου από το επικυρωμένο αντίγραφο του μητρώου... (σε επιβεβαίωση των παρατηρήσεων του Dave Bindon)
11 hrs
Thank you!
agree Nadia-Anastasia Fahmi
1 day 10 hrs
Thank you!
agree Georgia Godikouli
658 days
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Ευχαριστώ"
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