Jan 22, 2006 12:18
18 yrs ago
English term

as the reasons why it has not by the 17th January 2006

English to French Law/Patents Law (general) Ordonnance judiciaire
Je sais qu'il faut poser une question à la fois, mais mon problème concerne une phrase entière, la fin de ce paragraphe, à partir "with all". Je vous donne le paragraphe source-cible. Merci beaucoup...

The Local Authority to file and serve a statement setting out in detail their involvment with the Maternal Grandmother since birth, the reasons why an assessment of her was not commenced until mid December and the result of the assessment that has taken place to date together with all other concurrent planning that has taken place, as the reasons why it has not by the 17th January 2006

L’Autorité Locale devra déposer et remettre une déclaration spécifiant dans le détail ses relations avec la Grand-mère Maternelle depuis la naissance, les raisons pour lesquelles une évaluation la concernant n’a pas été engagée avant la mi-décembre et les résultats de l’évaluation effectuée à ce jour avec les planifications réalisées, ainsi que les raisons pour lesquelles cela n’a pas eu lieu avant le 17 janvier 2006.
Change log

Jan 22, 2006 18:38: Florence Bremond changed "Term asked" from "phrase enti�re" to "as the reasons why it has not by the 17th January 2006"


Tony M Jan 22, 2006:
Or 'as well as...' --- I see you've translated it as 'ainsi que...'?
Tony M Jan 22, 2006:
I think there's actually something wrong with the EN sentence, which isn't helping! That last part beginning with 'as' doesn't fit with anything else; is the word 'as' wrong / a typo (could it be 'and' or 'or'?)?
sarahl (X) Jan 22, 2006:
tu as le sens, le probl�me c'est que la phrase est tellement longue qu'elle est ing�rable. Tu peux essayer de la d�couper ?
Patrick Innocenti (asker) Jan 22, 2006:
Doute C'est surtout la fin qui me g�ne: "as the reasons...". C'est pas tr�s correct. J'ai traduit cela par "as well as the reasons...". "Planafications r�alis�es" me semble aussi bancale.
Albert Golub Jan 22, 2006:
�a me semble tout � fait correct.

Proposed translations

2 hrs
English term (edited): phrase enti�re

See explanation below...

I can't help much on the FR side of things, I'm afraid, but I may be able to help you unravel the EN.

First, as I said above, is there something wrong, or missing, with that very last part starting 'as...'? It doesn't seem to fit at all.

Depending on the answer to that question, I believe that the "by 17th January" refers right back to the 'file' --- in other words, the L/A must either file and serve these documents, or explain why it has not done so, by that date. See what I mean --- I don't believe it has any connection with the assessments etc.

Also, that "concurrent planning" --- I think it may be important not to drop the idea of 'concurrent' = taking place at the same time (en parallèle / simultanèment ?), and here I believe 'planning' is a 'false friend', as I don't believe it refers to 'planifier', but rather 'projeter'.

I hope thet helps a bit!
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks a lot, I think you are quite right, and even though the sentence is long, a proper use of the coma makes it clear that the very end actually refers to the very beginning of the sentence. "
1 hr
English term (edited): phrase enti�re

C'est juste, mais la date à la fin prête à confusion et "planifications réalisées" n'est pas idéal

L'autorité locale devra, avant le 17 janvier 2006, déposer ....ainsi que toutes les interventions prévues concurremment et les raisons pour lesquelles elles n'ont pas eu lieu.
Something went wrong...
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